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Playoffs aren't balanced either. Based on current standings, we could have to face Chicago and then Toronto, then still be forced to beat some dipshit West team who didn't have to beat anyone better than the 3rd or even 4th best team in the East.

So you can base your championship on an unbalanced set of 34 games, or an unbalanced set of 5-6 games. The former is clearly more meaningful than the latter. If there is some reason why the playoffs are superior, it sure as hell has nothing to do with a balanced schedule.

Having made this logic point, I withdraw. This is a subject I have little interest in debating. But nobody ever challenges this "balanced schedule" argument even though it's nonsense on its face.

I would argue that the season and the postseason aren't trying to do the same thing, so you can't judge them the same.

The goal of winning the regular season is to score more points in the same amount of games as everyone else. A balanced schedule is an integral part of the equation. Team B with fewer points can claim that they would have scored more with Team A's schedule.

The goal of winning the postseason is to be the last team standing - put another way, to have everyone else lose before you do. An unbalanced "schedule" is fundamental element of the competition. In a playoff, no other team can claim they deserved it over the winner due to a "tougher path," because by losing, they are demonstrating their undeservedness to hold the Cup. Here, if Team B tries to claim they would have won the Cup if they had Team A's path, Team A can claim that Team B had the opportunity to be Team A's path, had they not lost.

But that's just what I'd argue, if I was the kind of person who likes to debate.
Winning MLS Cup is a bigger deal than winning the Supporters Shield.

That being said, for a team in its 3rd year in existence to finish as the best American team is quite an accomplishment. For everyone that complains about roster construction, our Club may have the most points in MLS over the past two seasons.

I'd rather not become the eternal bridesmaid of MLS. Much like NJRB has been for the past 21 years.
Winning MLS cup is a bigger deal than winning SS but winning SS is a greater/more difficult accomplishment than winning MLS Cup.

And 2016 FCD was unquestionably a better team than Seattle Sounders.

I don't see how anyone could reasonably argue these points, but I'm sure some of you will.
Isn't the champions league a season end tournament that pits the winners of various leagues against each other for a prize that most Europhiles consider a higher achievement than winning their respective leagues?
Isn't the champions league a season end tournament that pits the winners of various leagues against each other for a prize that most Europhiles consider a higher achievement than winning their respective leagues?

its definitely harder to win champions league than to win your own league but thats not really a fair comparison because its different teams that are playing in the competition.

A more fair comparison would be winning serie A league compared to winning Coppa Italia or winning the Premier league compared to winning the FA Cup. in which id say its easier to win the coppa italia and FA Cup than winning their respective leagues as a whole.
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From a team perspective I agree resting Villa is probably a good idea. From a fan perspective of wanting him to win Golden Boot, MVP, and keep on his hot streak, please play him on Saturday

He's sitting at 19 goals with 7 games remaining. He is 8 goals from tying the MLS single season goal record and 9 from surpassing. Unless he has some crazy multi goal games, I don't think he can reach it. But he needs to maintain his level of play to win the MVP award again.
I would argue that the season and the postseason aren't trying to do the same thing, so you can't judge them the same.

The goal of winning the regular season is to score more points in the same amount of games as everyone else. A balanced schedule is an integral part of the equation. Team B with fewer points can claim that they would have scored more with Team A's schedule.

The goal of winning the postseason is to be the last team standing - put another way, to have everyone else lose before you do. An unbalanced "schedule" is fundamental element of the competition. In a playoff, no other team can claim they deserved it over the winner due to a "tougher path," because by losing, they are demonstrating their undeservedness to hold the Cup. Here, if Team B tries to claim they would have won the Cup if they had Team A's path, Team A can claim that Team B had the opportunity to be Team A's path, had they not lost.

But that's just what I'd argue, if I was the kind of person who likes to debate.
My view is MLS Cup is more important, and the playoff games are more important, simply because most people have agreed that those things are true. There's no logic, reason, or rationale behind it.

My view is MLS Cup is more important, and the playoff games are more important, simply because most people have agreed that those things are true. There's no logic, reason, or rationale behind it.

the reason behind it is you are not the champion if you dont win the MLS cup, youre just getting an award for having the most points during the regular season.

For the NY Hockey fans out there, a few seasons (2014/15) ago the Rangers won the Presidents trophy (most points in the league) and failed to win the Stanley Cup. While it was nice to win the Presidents Trophy it was still a disappointment in the end.
Playoffs aren't balanced either. Based on current standings, we could have to face Chicago and then Toronto, then still be forced to beat some dipshit West team who didn't have to beat anyone better than the 3rd or even 4th best team in the East.

So you can base your championship on an unbalanced set of 34 games, or an unbalanced set of 5-6 games. The former is clearly more meaningful than the latter. If there is some reason why the playoffs are superior, it sure as hell has nothing to do with a balanced schedule.

Having made this logic point, I withdraw. This is a subject I have little interest in debating. But nobody ever challenges this "balanced schedule" argument even though it's nonsense on its face.
I was going to like your post until you said you were withdrawing, because shit, you just became the little kid that runs into a crowded room & yells fire before running back out and locking the door behind you.
My view is MLS Cup is more important, and the playoff games are more important, simply because most people have agreed that those things are true. There's no logic, reason, or rationale behind it.

Finally, someone who can use logic to simply explain the thing that has no logic. Not at all kidding.

Personally I'm not a huge fan of the MLS Cup because it's basically a crap shoot as to who wins because it's only a few matches. The winner of the Supporters Shield seems much more meaningful because even with an unbalanced schedule it's pretty much the best team that year who wins it. Because of Those Darn Round Posts™ the Cup could be decided by a single lucky bounce, whereas over the course of a season those bounces average out for the Shield.

There, it's decided. We can all breathe easier now.

Note: none of this "logic" means I don't want to win the Cup, of course.

#teamWeWantTheCup #andTheShield
Same reason Bitcoin has value.
Or legal tender or gold, for that matter. Well, you can make things with gold, but still...
Plus, putting just a few thou into BTC and ETH before this year turned out to be my best investment flier ever.
cue conversation of how you either did or did not invest in bitcoin at the right time.
Or legal tender or gold, for that matter. Well, you can make things with gold, but still...
Really friggin' annoys me when people say you can't make things out of legal tender.
My view is MLS Cup is more important, and the playoff games are more important, simply because most people have agreed that those things are true. There's no logic, reason, or rationale behind it.

And to compound on this, the teams have made the MLS Cup the most important. So teams are more likely to shape things up for them in that manner.

That said, I highly doubt teams won't try for the Shield, or if they are within striking distance for it, go for it. But, teams may make decisions that would hurt their chances for the Shield, but may improve their chances (at least in their minds) for the Cup.

We've already heard PV say that TFC has won the Shield and we are trying to maintain second for the playoffs (not that I truly take those words for face-value, I think a lot of it is just coach-speak). We would never hear that muttered if the true prize was the Shield.
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