Jason Kreis Just Called Me


Seasoned Supporter
Mar 18, 2014
Apparently he is calling a bunch of people who placed deposits on season tickets to say thank you. So if your phone rings and theres no caller ID be sure to pick it up!! It's him!!
Apparently he is calling a bunch of people who placed deposits on season tickets to say thank you. So if your phone rings and theres no caller ID be sure to pick it up!! It's him!!
That's pretty awesome of him. Looks like the club is trying real hard to instill that community feel that RB seems to have abandoned. Even though it's a PR move, it's a pretty damn cool one.
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Reactions: Buckley
That's awesome! I'm sure they didn't call me due to long distance charges.. Yeah that's it's.. That's why they didn't call me XD.
Harrison, NY its on the campus of Manhattanville College. This is only temporary until they find a plot of land to call their own to build a training facility
I am a season ticket holder in L A. Why haven't these guys call ne yet? :(