Mls CBA 2015 Thread

I wouldn't lose interest in the team if there was a strike. But I probably wouldn't re-up season tickets next year.
I don't think you're alone in that. I'm on the fence right now about renewing for next year because of the way things have fallen to date, and leaning towards "not". But a prolonged strike (more than a month) would make it tough to justify again, particularly if they don't give appropriate refunds.
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That is very bad news for fans hoping for a start to the season. I hope it's just posturing; you can never be too sure of what any side says in these things.

But if it's true, shame on the owners. How stupid do you have to be to have 2 franchises with big launches on the heel of a World Cup year and be totally unwilling to bargain on a non-monetary issue?
i wonder if its each and everyone of the owners or only a select ultra powerful few who pull the strings for the owners side.
The owners will give their one inch of compromise right before the players try to walk, and we will see if its enough for the players. If the players are backed by the other sports' player's unions, I would bet that the owners are supported by other leagues.
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Sure, the details make it bullshit, but their whole line is a notion that free agency is impossible b/c of single entity. Guess what? that's gone now.

Now it's all about the details. Remember this Winston Churchill (allegedly) joke? Churchill asks a woman if she'd have sex with him for a 100 Million pounds; she readily agrees. He then asks her if she'd have sex with him for a pound. She's offended and asks him if he thinks she's a whore. He replies "we've already established that; we're just haggling over price."

They've already established that free agency is a viable position in a single-entity league. Now it's just about the details and where on the scale it ends up.

This still might mean missing weekend one, but there's still 24 hours to go and it appears that the main hurdle has been surpassed.

Sure, the details make it bullshit, but their whole line is a notion that free agency is impossible b/c of single entity. Guess what? that's gone now.

Now it's all about the details. Remember this Winston Churchill (allegedly) joke? Churchill asks a woman if she'd have sex with him for a 100 Million pounds; she readily agrees. He then asks her if she'd have sex with him for a pound. She's offended and asks him if he thinks she's a whore. He replies "we've already established that; we're just haggling over price."

They've already established that free agency is a viable position in a single-entity league. Now it's just about the details and where on the scale it ends up.

This still might mean missing weekend one, but there's still 24 hours to go and it appears that the main hurdle has been surpassed.
No I notice that is why I put it twice, look if the made the number 25/6 years of services enter FA with a max 15% bump and 20% if they home.
This is far from done regardless of what we are hearing and how the sides are posturing. A lot can and often does happen in the 12th hour of labor negotiations. I suspect they both still have some wiggle room. Someone (likely the players) may blink. - Wishful Thinking Guy
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That's a fucking joke. I'd walk out after hearing that proposal. They're taking the piss.

You've got to stay calm and realize they're trying to work towards something. That's not the first offer or even the second or third. Compromising is figuring out where they're working towards and what their goals are and figuring out the best deal you can get. It's all part of the game.
This is far from done regardless of what we are hearing and how the sides are posturing. A lot can and often does happen in the 12th hour of labor negotiations. I suspect they both still have some wiggle room. Someone (likely the players) may blink. - Wishful Thinking Guy

And frankly the players have the cover. As long as they have some cover for some free agency they can say to their guys: look, we increased the minimum wages, we increased the salary cap, and got free agency. It's not a great free agency but with this new money we'll be in a better spot to strike longer and get better details on free agency. We got you a great first step.
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