Mls CBA 2015 Thread

Weren't the planning on negotiating more tomorrow? That has to be somewhat good right? Please... :eek:
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Why are owners so obsessed with not allowing free agency? I just don't understand...
All you poker players will know what I mean when I say I'm using my "one time" here.
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They're the league OGs so they hold more weight than most of the recent expansions. We probably wouldn't mind free agency. They change in salary would be peanuts to us. The old guard want to spend the least money possible.
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Meh, I think all the owners realize that single-entity will die...they just want it to be a slow death.

They've got something better than any other ownership in the world, of course they're going to want to hang onto it for as long as possible.
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They got it down to 28 years old and at least 8 years in the league. Thats moving in the right direction
Yeah I keep saying 25/6 well get the deal done
Because free agency allows players to auction their services, thus driving up the salaries of average players.
Yes but if you have a hard cap league, free agency deal isn't a problem.
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I see better analysis occurring in this thread than I see in the media (especially twitter).
I believe that some players leaving early is a good sign. If the season starts this weekend then they need to be ready. If they thought a strike was the next move then they have no reason to leave the bargaining table.
I have participated in collective bargaining on two occasions and the one thing that was driven home is that no bargain equals no winner. Everyone needs to leave the table equally unhappy or else everyone loses.

Don't tell the owners but I also think that the players don't have enough of a war chest to hold out for long in the event of a strike.
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Yes but if you have a hard cap league, free agency deal isn't a problem.

Never said it was a problem. Just saying that that's the reason the owners don't want it. Presumably they're of the opinion that once free agency has wormed its toe into the crack in the door, they're going to see the players push for exponentially-increasing caps every CBA negotiation period. I guess they probably think that this time in 10 years, the average earners will all be making two million a year and the owners will all be wringing their hands agonisingly, asking each other "why didn't we hold out against them when we had the chance?"
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Well I'll take the other side of this because I like discushion if there is no free agency well be able to retain our younger guys for longer and be able to build a strong nucleus (Shelton) and keep them together while complimenting them with DP's and foreign talent.
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Which is why I believe the rule will be 25/6 a way to keep our younger players, also offering these younger players more money to come in to the league will help with that.
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