Mls CBA 2015 Thread


Damn Garber...
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Twitter is on fire... Leander Schaerlaeckens just tweeted that only 6 players in MLS HISTORY would fit the 32/10 propsal from the owners... and thats if you don't count short stints with other teams. Players showing great calm by not walking out. I would have flipped out.

BTW @MikeDatTiger is right... the cat is out of the bag if the owners offered FA, but this is pretty insulting.

(Sorry no link - Twitter blocked at work)
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25/6 is a huge win along with all the other stuff the union is getting, like higher salaries. Anything worse than that I think is worth striking for.
Calling it: Players going to counter with 28 years old and 6 years with a team. They will settle on 30/8.
The "with a team" is likely to go in favor of "with the league", and I'd bet they settle closer to 28/6 than 30/8. 30/8 is still retirement age for most of these guys. "With a team" means that anyone who was traded at any point wouldn't be eligible for free agency.
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Guys, this is all bluffing and posturing. Its crunch time and everyone's got their poker faces on. Both sides will try and use the media to "leak" things to make the other side budge. The owners know the players have them dead to rights so they're trying to act extra tough so as not to get dominated.

And while the 32 and 10 seems like bullshit, it shows that the owners WILL allow FA. The owners will have to continue to budge on that in the future.

That is a HUGE moment in our league's history, even if on the surface it looks like bullshit.
In a way, CBA agreements have to be difficult every time. Neither side wants to give the other side a sense of entitlement and that they should get their way simply because that's what's happened before.

Both sides seem too close for it to all fall apart now. We know the players have conceded things and the owners obviously have just traded away one of their core values in the league. That, to me, says the owners want to get this done.
Seems like a silly article to me.

Don is, essentially, a servant to the owners. On something like Free Agency, its out of his hands, completely the owners' call. He can suggest it to the owners until he's blue in the face but if they aren't having it, then that's that.
The fact that they are negotiating with "owners" is all you need to disprove this theory of single entity.

I say there is a work stoppage. Problem is - I don't know if the players can get what they want with a work stoppage. Billionaires aren't starving. Some of these players can't make rent next month.
At first, I took that to be bad. Especially since Garber is fining anyone who talks about the negotiations before they are done.

But fly home to Colorado could also be good if they are going home to prepare for this weekend.
I cant believe Im saying this but im rooting for the union here...strongly. What they want is not only very reasonable but itll improve the league and the sport in the US substantially. I hope they win this and win it big. End single entity, get Free Agency, and a higher cap.
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