MLS Cup Playoffs - December 5 - Philadelphia (Away)

I'm still so amped from the game even 2 days on. Things didn't start out great with me getting to the stadium just a bit too late to meet up with anyone or go to the tailgate, and then finding out just how far away 3 sections are from the supporters (Shout out to MumonA though for the tickets, wouldn't have been there without you and it was good to have at least 1 friendly face nearby). With the game starting with low energy and having to hear two philly supporters just constantly chanting new york city fascist club it didn't make for great viewing, culminating in the goal being conceded and Philly fans cheering all around me, then we come back and score and I think f-it and get on my feet and start chanting, getting yelled at to sit down, but I was too into it at that point, the crowd starting yelling at gudi that he sucked and not 5 minutes later he picks mbazio's pocket and sets up the game winner (I had a feeling talles was going to be the key this match), and then just chanting and singing as all those fans had to pack it up and walk home with heads down low as I made my way over to the supporters and cheer on the team as they lifted the trophy. What a night it turned out to be. I'm trying so hard to remind myself that flying out to portland is not something that I can of should do but this playoff run has been so good, especially being able to be at both gillette and subaru park. What a club is all I can say at this point, we definitely had more lows than we should have but I would do it all again if we end up here.
Okay, from dropping F-Bombs in interviews to BING BONG, James Sands personality has changed dramatically. He must have gotten laid in the past year or two.
Right, I guess let me rephrase, while on paper, Atlanta (1-0-1), Philly (1-1-1), and NER (1-2-0) make the path very difficult, all season long we’ve found some success against those teams (surprisingly or unsurprisingly) but we haven’t had that same level of success against RB (0-2-1) or NSH (0-1-1).
been thinking the same. Getting “screwed” in various ways and Ending up 4th may be a blessing in disguise.
the universe is vast and it is tricky. I just keep hearing in my head what Sean said before the NE match, “It’s our time.” I love that.
This team is special. I Like our chances.
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But something I keep thinking back to is if we did pick up more points and did come in second in the conference then every path through the playoffs would be different. I know its crazy but honestly in an alternate universe were we came in second in the conference and had to play Nashville and Redbull in our side of the bracket even at home seems like a steeper slope to climb than playing NER away and Philly away. That's obliviously an over simplification because they would be moved around as well. And in many cases if we did make it to the Eastern Conference Finals we'd be playing the NER who would have a game under their belt instead of the 23 days of rest which in some cases may make them a more difficult opponent. At this point I think coming in fourth was more a blessing and the reason we've gotten this far.

thing is, if we hadn't dropped those points to RBNJ, they probably wouldn't have even qualified. we'd be playing DC or columbus. the bracket would be very different and perhaps the universe wouldn't have aligned in a way to get us to MLS cup.

We are where we are cause of the path we took. I'll take it! No time to think about whatifs.. leave that to philly. Time for this team to go get it done in portland and make the guy with the chainsaw cry with our convincing and dominating win..
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