You're right -- he never had control of the match.
Who would you have wanted on the field instead of the guys that were out there? I agree we were tired, but the only good options on the bench were attacking subs, and while it would have been fun to go for the win, it would have been the opposite of fun to go for the win and lose. Conservative was the right course of action.
The available subs not used were: Gloster, Thiago, Rocha, Gudi, Jasson, Latinovich, Magno.
Could you make the case for Gudi and Jasson to come in for that situation? Sure, maybe. But the team was vastly outplaying Philly in the second half, so even though they were tiring, I was perfectly fine with Ronny going with his guys. The bench options -- aside from Thiago and Magno -- are nowhere near the talent level of the guys who were out there.
Ronny was asked about subs early in the season, and his quote was something to the effect of, "I'm not going to make a sub just to make a sub." I think he's right about that. It ended up working out for him, so it was the right decision to make.