Name The 12th Man

It's worth mentioning that both the "Gooners" nickname and "Yids" were both coined by fans of rival teams intended to be used to insult the fanbase, and both were over time appropriated by the targets of those insults. A bit like how the song Yankee Doodle Dandy was appropriated by you lot when it was originally meant to be a song about how uncivilised the colonists were, for instance ;)

"You lot"... You're english?
I don't like this. I don't like this at all
Anybody like the idea of using something with the state bird, which is the Bluebird? It kinda goes well with the team. In no way is it bad ass, but it would represent the city which is the most important thing
I like Bluebirds....I suggested "The 6th Borough" on the city voice page but I guess Manhattan College uses that?:confused:
Anybody like the idea of using something with the state bird, which is the Bluebird? It kinda goes well with the team. In no way is it bad ass, but it would represent the city which is the most important thing

never understood why the state bird is the Bluebird. they almost dont exist in the state. The Pigeon Koop is a good authentic NYC name. Many come in blue
Anybody like the idea of using something with the state bird, which is the Bluebird? It kinda goes well with the team. In no way is it bad ass, but it would represent the city which is the most important thing

Yeah, I love the idea of Bluebirds. I brought it up a few months ago, which I knew at the time was too early for that sort of discussion but I threw my idea into the ring anyway.

Yeah, I love the idea of Bluebirds. I brought it up a few months ago, which I knew at the time was too early for that sort of discussion but I threw my idea into the ring anyway.

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You know I'm actually starting to think that "Blue Birds would be a better nickname for the team than it would be for 12th man. Newcastle United are the Magpies, Why couldn't we be The Bluebirds?
You know I'm actually starting to think that "Blue Birds would be a better nickname for the team than it would be for 12th man. Newcastle United are the Magpies, Why couldn't we be The Bluebirds?

You're absolutely right. Now that I think about it, that's actually what I suggested a few months ago. It was for the team not the fans. I'm getting my nickname suggestions mixed up. :confused:
Yeah, I love the idea of Bluebirds. I brought it up a few months ago, which I knew at the time was too early for that sort of discussion but I threw my idea into the ring anyway.

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I like this photo of the bird, not too much to my liking the blue part to call , because of the Blue Steel is very strong and will possibly evoke a mix up with teams & sport. We need something more unique and catchy.