New Swag

Heads up guys the team store got a crap ton of home authentics at the store by the Hard Rock. More stuff is being brought out for Sunday. I've seen a ton of home authentic shirts.
Can they do custom lettering and numbering at the store when you buy?
New hat up on
Kinda strange that it has the Etihad logo.. it's called "Academy" snapback.
Is that the first non-official article of clothing that has a sponsor on it? Other than the jerseys, of course.
Has anyone seen the new monogram cap online yet?

I went looking for it in the Yankee Shop after the game today. When someone inside directed me to the NYCFC store towards the center of the concourse, the attendant working the door told me there was no reentry. I had no idea but she claimed I should have read the sign, which she then proceeded to pull out of her pocket. She could not have been ruder about the whole thing. As you can tell, I'm still ticked off. Why would they turn away a customer who wanted to give them money? Last time I ever try and buy something at the Stadium. Online only from now on.
Blows my mind that a major sports team would sell something this shitty. This looks like it was made by someone with no knowledge of design and good taste. Simply awful.

I actually kind of like it. It's a bit reminiscent of the 1953–1968 New York City Transit Authority logo, and also the '64 World's Fair signage. There's a lot of New York history in that design, or at least a hint of it. It's like the designer tried to imbue a little history and depth to something that's brand new and modern. And our "subway token" logo doesn't hurt in that either.

New monogram cap coming soon....I hope its not another fucking snapback, but knowing Adidas it probably is.View attachment 2976

i think i saw someone with this during the game, it was far so not sure, but if it was then its not a snap back it looks fitted as the back is closed with the full nycfc circle logo

EDIT: Whoops i just saw the update up top. good to know.
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