NYCFC Press Release - Mix Buyout and 3 Green Cards

no time for all the grilled cheese discussion

This sounds like a bunch of bitter GMs and Head Coaches that can't imagine that a player would have the sense to not move to a city he doesn't want to be in or play for a team he doesn't want to play for. That's what it's all about for players. You work your entire life to do what you love the way you want to do it. If you're lucky and talented enough to get to the big stage, you play it your way as much as you can. Lord knows that these teams don't have any particular affinity for players once they are deemed useless.

Mix wanted to be here and nowhere else. That is admirable and I wish we had found a way to keep a guy like that around.
That looks so tasty that the indigestion and/or heart attack may be worth it! Chips with it? And a kosher dill?

Haven't actually had one in a year. I need to loose weight, but it was completely worth it back then.
His grandfather is a billionaire slum landlord in Arizona
whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? well, sounds like he needs to buy the next expansion team and that way Mix could be star player, coach, and GM. That'll show nycfc.
That looks so tasty that the indigestion and/or heart attack may be worth it! Chips with it? And a kosher dill?

Looks like a beer in the background. Yum. And from the rumors I've heard, I wouldn't be asking for pickles from this crowd.