Official (random Player Name) To Nycfc Rumor Thread

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Banks are regulated by governments, though. You may not like what the bank does with money but they are at least compelled to stick to laws governing things like how much interest they are allowed to charge and what they can do to you if you default. Diskerud's father seems to be accused of charging up to 133% interest, and while I don't know what methods he is accused of, I do know that your typical loan shark will respond to you failing to meet payments by anything from increasing the interest even higher, to stealing cars off your drive or robbing your house, to breaking kneecaps. In fact many loan sharking organisations seem to be angled around setting you up to struggle to pay it back, because they can extort you for many times the original sum that way.

ever heard of sub prime lending? 3 year am? no/thin file applicant?

this is my last response btw, this is deviating and probably deserves to be in some other thread non-soccer related.
Wouldn't mind him on the bench, not the most skilled but runs his ass off and fans appreciate that. Kreis gets a lot out of those types of guys. Any reason for the early A-League departure?
If we're going to sign ex-NYRB players with high work rates that can play on the left (or for that matter the right side too) then bring me Dane Richards! Always loved watching that guy play.

fast as hell but ZERO touch. tended to hang on to the ball too long but he was a fan favorite and exciting
Jonny Steele just ended his A-League stay. Team thin on the left wing. Former RSL guy. Knows New York. No abundance of talent, but workrate to die for. Thoughts?
Thats a great idea. Not sure how Kreis will feel though, he was the one that let Steele go for free to NYRB in the first place.
After a Spanish and an English player, I think that it could be important for our popularity to buy also a Mexican and an Asian player ( a Chinese player for example ). What is you opinion ?
I agree with Asian, but any country would do.. Doesn't have to specifically be Chinese. I know Japanese have better players.
Look at what Drogba, Kalou did to Chelsea's popularity in Africa

Edit- and also what United were hoping for with Kagawa. Could happen if we can get someone in I think.
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How do you guys feel about Giuseppe Rossi in a couple of years? I'm not sure when his contract runs out but when it does, is it a possibility?
I would rather see Steele over Richards. At least for the home games, there's not going to be a lot of space to work with. Richards only asset was his speed. Steele struggled with the Red Bulls towards the end once Petke changed the formation and brought Alexander inside, but I still think a player like that can really make the rest of the team work harder during training because he will always be on the edge of taking your spot.
Seen some tweets about Daniele De Rossi for the summer. Some of them mention red bull too. May be a case of confusing the two. im positive its us.
Seen some tweets about Daniele De Rossi for the summer. Some of them mention red bull too. May be a case of confusing the two. im positive its us.
He's my favorite player ever. That would be amazing, but I don't think it'll happen.
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