Banks are regulated by governments, though. You may not like what the bank does with money but they are at least compelled to stick to laws governing things like how much interest they are allowed to charge and what they can do to you if you default. Diskerud's father seems to be accused of charging up to 133% interest, and while I don't know what methods he is accused of, I do know that your typical loan shark will respond to you failing to meet payments by anything from increasing the interest even higher, to stealing cars off your drive or robbing your house, to breaking kneecaps. In fact many loan sharking organisations seem to be angled around setting you up to struggle to pay it back, because they can extort you for many times the original sum that way.
ever heard of sub prime lending? 3 year am? no/thin file applicant?
this is my last response btw, this is deviating and probably deserves to be in some other thread non-soccer related.