Official Vent Thread


You're for sure right about selling seats. Drunk me was just a little frustrated last night. And I suppose I'm not completely aware of how the DP slots work. I just think that our younger guys who become something special (like Poku) should be given the incentive to stay on with the club rather than being snatched up by Europe. Wouldn't you want a DP who can be the face of your team for years rather than a past his prime superstar who will bring crowds because of name recognition?

If we have the money for both, it's not a problem, I shppose. This Frank thing just has me a bit salty. Thanks for the reply!
I understand your point. Try to think of these independently. Having Frank, Villa, Pirlo today doesn't stop us from upping salary for Mix, Poku, etc next year. And we can make them DPs in 2017 when our current DP contracts start to expire IF they merit that spot. What I want for our DPs is the best talent we can get to win games and championships.

Villa - burning up the league. 2 goals off of golden boot. Can't argue with him for DP.

Pirlo - a god. Can't argue with him.

Frank - people are upset now but he seemed like a pretty damn good signing when it happened last year. I am still pretty excited to see him play.

I think we've done great with our DPs. Going after youth for DP slots only makes sense if they are quality youth. If Mix or Poku are worth that in two years I support that. But I have no complaints about the top half of our roster today.
I understand your point. Try to think of these independently. Having Frank, Villa, Pirlo today doesn't stop us from upping salary for Mix, Poku, etc next year. And we can make them DPs in 2017 when our current DP contracts start to expire IF they merit that spot. What I want for our DPs is the best talent we can get to win games and championships.

Villa - burning up the league. 2 goals off of golden boot. Can't argue with him for DP.

Pirlo - a god. Can't argue with him.

Frank - people are upset now but he seemed like a pretty damn good signing when it happened last year. I am still pretty excited to see him play.

I think we've done great with our DPs. Going after youth for DP slots only makes sense if they are quality youth. If Mix or Poku are worth that in two years I support that. But I have no complaints about the top half of our roster today.
Keep in mind with the new Core Player designation I see DP slots being left as a way for clubs to attract top level international talent. Even though there's only one CP slot and the compensation level is relatively low compared to DP's, I fully anticipate the number of slots to increase over time to be equal to DP's and the compensation levels to increase as well. That means each team could have a roster with 6 top level players, three domestic and here international. For NYCFC that could mean keeping players like George John, Poku, Mix or McNamara for longer careers because they could pay them without losing DP slots.
If we don't sign Gooch today or someone else to play CB tomorrow I'll be beside myself. There is no way that we can trot out another incomplete back line after last week and say that we are committed to making a playoff run.

But Kreis and his RSL tinted glasses most definitely thinks that Wingert will be sufficient.
Keep in mind with the new Core Player designation I see DP slots being left as a way for clubs to attract top level international talent. Even though there's only one CP slot and the compensation level is relatively low compared to DP's, I fully anticipate the number of slots to increase over time to be equal to DP's and the compensation levels to increase as well. That means each team could have a roster with 6 top level players, three domestic and here international. For NYCFC that could mean keeping players like George John, Poku, Mix or McNamara for longer careers because they could pay them without losing DP slots.
I don't think the Core Player rule is a "slot" in the way that a designated player is a slot. From my understanding, it's really just shorthand for a player that you use targeted allocation money on.

So hypothetically speaking, if you had enough TAM, you could use it on multiple players. Realistically, that's not an option, but I don't think there are any players in the league who are designated as "Core players", like there are DPs.
If we don't sign Gooch today or someone else to play CB tomorrow I'll be beside myself. There is no way that we can trot out another incomplete back line after last week and say that we are committed to making a playoff run.

But Kreis and his RSL tinted glasses most definitely thinks that Wingert will be sufficient.
Gooch is listed as worth 750k euros yearly. I don't think we have the cap room for him.
I want young DPs. Kreis wanted young DPs. The fuck is CFG doing? And don't fucking send OUR players to England for a fucking season so they are fucking injured when they fucking arrive in New York. FUCK!
I have to go to a wedding (my fiance's friend not mine) in CT tomorrow so I will miss the USMNT beat the crap out of Cuba and miss NYCFC beat the crap out of NE. FUCK!!!

Side Vent: Kwame!
Brovsky will never contribute to the world so long as we overpay him to play soccer.

Wingert and Grabavoy make over $200k each. And they have shit haircuts.
I am NOT HAPPY with this front office. They have us like sheep and lock us in and they're just not developing kids instead buying names to put asses in the seats. Cant stand it. Not a pure form of play either.
I am NOT HAPPY with this front office. They have us like sheep and lock us in and they're just not developing kids instead buying names to put asses in the seats. Cant stand it. Not a pure form of play either.

See the problem with this is that if we want to develop kids, we won't win. And if we don't win, fans complain.

Fans are not gonna be happy either way.
#kreisout Dudr is a borderline fraud and incompetent. Fuck rsl too. Stupid name for a team anf we got their sloppy seconds
I am NOT HAPPY with this front office. They have us like sheep and lock us in and they're just not developing kids instead buying names to put asses in the seats. Cant stand it. Not a pure form of play either.
Develop kids? Sure sounds great, but as a FIRST YEAR CLUB, it will take a while. So if they commit to developing kids will you accept 2-3 years of no playoffs? The thing with young players is they are inconsistent, it's part of the definition, so pick your poison. Either way this is tough.
I know it is frustrating to watch this team right now but let's all take a step back and realize, WE HAVE SHITTY PLAYERS IN ALL of the important positions except for Villa. Villa was on an island tonight vs the Revs. They are swarming him all night long because they knew our other players suck ass.