Pros of this hire:
- Vieira has had a couple years managing youth teams so he may be able to get a little more from the youth on NYCFC's roster. In MLS it is important having your role players performing well to compliment your DPs. The most successful teams have guys at all age and salary levels contributing. The stars can't do it all on their own.
- Viera will be motivated to do well at the job because if he does well he will be offered a more lucrative coaching position in the future.
- Vieira is not a lifer MLS coach so he could bring new ideas to the table in regards to successful playing styles in the league.
Cons of the hire:
- Vieira is a CFG shill of the highest caliber, and will likely have to follow CFG marching orders of playing Villa, Lampard, Pirlo and Mix at the same time, since those four sell the most jerseys and snapback hats. Those wishing for Poku to become a bigger part of the team might not get their wish.
- This hire is clearly a training stint for Vieira. CFG is reinforcing the NYCFC 'farm team' moniker with this appointment. Vieira is going to want to do well here, but if he does, he will bolt for Europe the first chance he gets. Vieira is not going to be a long term hire and NYCFC won't be able to build continuity with him. So the club will get 1-2 seasons max from him if he does well, maybe a season if he doesn't (like Kreis).
- Vieira has managed youth but managing three big egos in Lampard, Pirlo and Villa will be a challenge for him. There is a big time salary gap among the NYCFC roster. It's not going to be as simple as managing a bunch of hungry kids who are playing hard to move up the football totem pole. All 3 NYCFC DPs are here to collect their paychecks and live in the big apple. He has to motivate them to want to win trophies.