Red Bull Fans Are Browsing The Forum


Seasoned Supporter
Mar 19, 2014
Apparently Red Bull fans spend some time on here. One of them thinks I singled him out on twitter haha
I've seen some of them post on their Facebook page. Mainly this guy named Stuart Pallett and Brendan Joe. "You guys should visit nycfcforums and the NYCFC_SC facebook page. It's an interesting group of people, many of whom have no clue about MLS or league rules and are in for a rude awakening in 2015".

bunch of salty bus wankers
I've seen some of them post on their Facebook page. Mainly this guy named Stuart Pallett and Brendan Joe. "You guys should visit nycfcforums and the NYCFC_SC facebook page. It's an interesting group of people, many of whom have no clue about MLS or league rules and are in for a rude awakening in 2015".

bunch of salty bus wankers
he aint even from jersey, hes a fuckin jaggov
"ooooh redbull friends? football friends?"
I had a Cow arguing with me this morning that the Supporters Shield is a MLS championship because it gives them access to champions league.

I reminded him that the #1 team in the other conference also gets into the CCL and asked him if that means they're a Champion, too. The discussion ended abruptly but not before he mentioned that the runner-up in the REAL championship game also used to get into CCL. Which made no sense as that further weakens his argument but hey, there's a reason he's still rooting for the energy drinks.
Let them browse these forums! They can browse what we have to say about our true world class club over the next few years while they remain in mediocrity out in Jersey! Hopefully they see what we got and decide to come aboard the future of New York soccer, we welcome you Red Bull fans. You have suffered almost as much as I have over the last 18 years as a Revs fan, at least you have a great park to play in, which is hopefully the only thing you will ever have on City, for a couple years at least.
I love how they have to revert to "they know nothing about MLS" yeah, because this is the first time NY has had an MLS team. Maybe people didn't give a crap before because the City didn't have a team before :)
Honestly if that's all they have against our supporters that's great. We have a community, an active one at that, and the people who do know little to nothing about the league are more then willing to learn and the club has taken an active approach to teaching as well. They started the MLS fantasy league to get people interested and involved.
I told him if he has something to say to visit the Warzone forum :)
As far as the tweets are concerned attacking some of the suggestions I think it's awesome. They browse our forums and we could give two shits about theirs. Do they have one?
This is nothing but fear! I told him to screenshot some of the RedCows chants and tweet those out :)
They're loosing supporters and in turn they send more people our way by tweeting our link out! Love it.
This only proves what we all know. That the New Jersey energy drinks and their cheerleaders feel very threatened by us. Once we get things going, their numbers will dwindle and they'll be like the ugly chick who's not getting into the party.