K Kjbert Registered Seasoned Supporter Aug 7, 2014 #21 So what is the Taylor Twellman transfer rumor that he left as a cliff hanger last night????
N NYJoe Registered Seasoned Supporter Aug 7, 2014 #22 Kjbert said: So what is the Taylor Twellman transfer rumor that he left as a cliff hanger last night???? Click to expand... Yedlin to Spurs?
Kjbert said: So what is the Taylor Twellman transfer rumor that he left as a cliff hanger last night???? Click to expand... Yedlin to Spurs?
MikeDatTiger Registered Aug 7, 2014 #23 NYJoe said: Yedlin to Spurs? Click to expand... No, he has already mentioned that. That's a bad move anyway. Spurs already have a player in his mold apparently. Better to get playing time in MLS then to sit on the bench in London.
NYJoe said: Yedlin to Spurs? Click to expand... No, he has already mentioned that. That's a bad move anyway. Spurs already have a player in his mold apparently. Better to get playing time in MLS then to sit on the bench in London.
BxLio91 Registered Seasoned Supporter Aug 7, 2014 #24 Vito said: The Crew offered him around $1,000,000/year Click to expand... PAY me
K Kjbert Registered Seasoned Supporter Aug 7, 2014 #25 Twellman already discussed Yedlin, Jones and Mix. Names not mentioned by him yet - Jozy, ArJo, Agudelo, Brooks...?
Twellman already discussed Yedlin, Jones and Mix. Names not mentioned by him yet - Jozy, ArJo, Agudelo, Brooks...?
MikeDatTiger Registered Aug 7, 2014 #26 Kjbert said: So what is the Taylor Twellman transfer rumor that he left as a cliff hanger last night???? Click to expand... Donovan retiring.
Kjbert said: So what is the Taylor Twellman transfer rumor that he left as a cliff hanger last night???? Click to expand... Donovan retiring.
MagnusPax Registered Aug 8, 2014 #27 MikeDatTiger said: Donovan retiring. Click to expand... Thread here: http://nycfcforums.com/index.php?threads/donovan-to-retire-from-mls-at-end-of-2014.1267/
MikeDatTiger said: Donovan retiring. Click to expand... Thread here: http://nycfcforums.com/index.php?threads/donovan-to-retire-from-mls-at-end-of-2014.1267/