^^^Best post ever.I know its impossible but I'd want it to happen just to see MLS fans bitch about it.
Drogba : " “OK, just call the owners and then I'm there," Drogba told ESPN when asked about the possibility of joining the Harrison, New Jersey, club." "
I would welcome him at RedBull. He would be fun for the league if he offers anything.
Drop Nemec, let him go play for Red Star Gelgrade. Add Drogba, perhaps he'll accept less cash for the love of the game .
(Let KWS go too if more room is needed.)
Wow. If you're only willing to live in a country without social equality problems, you're better off just floating in the middle of the ocean for the rest of your life living off sea turtle meat.
Don't mean to turn this into a political debate, it's just that your phrasing was super jingoistic. Just want to say as someone who lived in China for a while, and spent time in a few countries in the Middle East (each country is very different there, don't lump them together), that these places can be very nice with wonderful people.
Oh, I see what you mean. Gosh, those darn tyrants, so cute but so mean! Sort of like the Koch brothers here in the US, or maybe Halliburton. Or how the Tories in England are trying to eliminate the Scots' home rule, and the NHS as well. But no, we don't want to get political on here, do we.I'm sure the people are nice. But they live in fear of the Dictators and tyrants that run the countries.
Oh, I see what you mean. Gosh, those darn tyrants, so cute but so mean! Sort of like the Koch brothers here in the US, or maybe Halliburton. Or how the Tories in England are trying to eliminate the Scots' home rule, and the NHS as well. But no, we don't want to get political on here, do we.
My point was that we're no better than anyone you named. I guess I buried it under way too much snark though, and for that I apologize as I was trying to provide an "obvious" counter to what you said but it seems I outsnarked myself.Not sure what you mean.
When you go to those countries and play on there teams you legitimize them. It's like Rodman going to North Korea for a photo op and a paycheck or Matt Harvey playing golf and posing with Trump after Trumps racist remarks.
That was my point.
You want to get political? I don't consider stoning women and selling my own citizens organs political , I considerate it major violations of the most basic of human rights.
if you and sbrylski think those issues are up for debate well fuck you. If you think its funny to make some snarky turtle meat eating comment thats cool. as a diver from 1976 I have seen many sea turtles and never have I thought of eating 1
Let's be clear. I can't imagine anyone on this board would claim that the U.S. isn't crazy. We're Amur-cah.So yeah, in some ways I agree with you that the world's a bit of a crazy place. Where it seems I disagree with you is that it feels to me that you're ignoring or maybe don't know about our contributions that that craziness.
My point was that we're no better than anyone you named. I guess I buried it under way too much snark though, and for that I apologize as I was trying to provide an "obvious" counter to what you said but it seems I outsnarked myself.
Honestly though, to a certain extent I agree with you. But, and you may or may not intend this, but to me these posts of yours feel just horribly jingoistic. You're sort of saying, "hey, look at all the crap in the rest of the world" but not even considering that we cause a lot of crap all on our own. You know, like an unjustifiable war in Iraq, for example. Hundreds of thousands dead, no weapons of mass destruction. Or do you think drone strikes all over the place somehow *don't* make the entire middle east hate us with a passion perhaps?
in 2012 American police "justifiably" shot and killed 409 people. In that same year British police only fired their weapon 3 times. That's not how many people were killed, that's how many times they fired. Nobody was killed. And it's gotten much worse in the years since.
Another thing that makes the rest of the world hate us is that we give money and weapons to Israel. Who isolate the Palestinians into ghettos and then bomb them regularly with missiles we may have supplied. We're not making friends with that sort of thing.
And I don't even want to get started on all those photos of smiling and happy Americans walking around Walmart with their assault rifles. That's just madness.
So yeah, in some ways I agree with you that the world's a bit of a crazy place. Where it seems I disagree with you is that it feels to me that you're ignoring or maybe don't know about our contributions that that craziness.
I love it!I think we agree on just about everything. Maybe my post seemed horribly jingoistic too you but it was not meant that way.
Don't try to out flank me on the left, as i think only cops should have guns(but should have to leave them at the station at the end of their shift. I also believe in reparations for slavery, but only from the slave owners families. Also don't think you can school me on history.
My kids would die laughing if they knew that you just baited me with your last line.