Salary Cap numbers for next season


Apr 10, 2014
Went back and looked at the CBA to see where the league will land next year as far as cap numbers.

Senior Minimum

(2016) $62,500 (2017) $65,000

Reserve Minimum

(2016) $51,500 (2017) $53,000

Supporters Shield Winners Bonus

(2016) $55,000 (2017-2019) $130,000

Salary Budget

(2016) $3.66M (2017) $3.845M

DP Threshold

(2016) $457,500 (2017) $480,625

In 2018 MLS will break the $4m mark in Salary Budget and $500k for DP threshold. Just thought I would share.

ETA: $3.845M spread across the 20 slots comes to $192,250

The $800k in TAM this year and the $800k additional next year will make the cap closer to $5.5 mil by 2017. Especially if you include the $150k in GAM each team gets yearly, plus what they have from previous/future moves.
Went back and looked at the CBA to see where the league will land next year as far as cap numbers.

Senior Minimum

(2016) $62,500 (2017) $65,000

Reserve Minimum

(2016) $51,500 (2017) $53,000

Supporters Shield Winners Bonus

(2016) $55,000 (2017-2019) $130,000

Salary Budget

(2016) $3.66M (2017) $3.845M

DP Threshold

(2016) $457,500 (2017) $480,625

In 2018 MLS will break the $4m mark in Salary Budget and $500k for DP threshold. Just thought I would share.

ETA: $3.845M spread across the 20 slots comes to $192,250

That's a nice jump in Supporters Shield winnings. Good to see.
Atlanta United gets to sign Almiron as a young DP, which means he only counts 200k against their cap.

The cap goes up by nearly 200k next year meaning they have him on their team for virtually nothing compared to 2016 roster.
Jeez. Brilliant.
If CFG really wanted to push the Cap, they go out and get the best 3 under-23 (preferably 20-21yo) players and pay whatever the transfer is since that doesn't matter to the cap hit. We wind up with three top players with a combined hit of 600k. The rest of the CAP goes to the others with ideally the TAM players being a bit more veteran for leadership. After 2-3 years, those star players move on the MCFC and we start the process all over. This method absolutely maximizes the CAP each year and we get a far stronger 4-11 (or 4-15ish) roster.
If CFG really wanted to push the Cap, they go out and get the best 3 under-23 (preferably 20-21yo) players and pay whatever the transfer is since that doesn't matter to the cap hit. We wind up with three top players with a combined hit of 600k. The rest of the CAP goes to the others with ideally the TAM players being a bit more veteran for leadership. After 2-3 years, those star players move on the MCFC and we start the process all over. This method absolutely maximizes the CAP each year and we get a far stronger 4-11 (or 4-15ish) roster.

Wow, that's a good model. It lacks the star power of a veteran DP, but maybe a mix of one veteran plus two 20-year old South Americans makes sense.
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Wow, that's a good model. It lacks the star power of a veteran DP, but maybe a mix of one veteran plus two 20-year old South Americans makes sense.
The star power comes from the swagger of a winning team that runs everybody else into the ground. :)

I wouldn't even care if we kept these "kids" only 2-3 years since they would be replaced with the next batch of amazing youth. Some would call that a feeder system, but I'd say NYCFC becomes a Right of Passage before moving on to Europe, beit MCFC or another behemoth that outbids them.
The star power comes from the swagger of a winning team that runs everybody else into the ground. :)

I wouldn't even care if we kept these "kids" only 2-3 years since they would be replaced with the next batch of amazing youth. Some would call that a feeder system, but I'd say NYCFC becomes a Right of Passage before moving on to Europe, beit MCFC or another behemoth that outbids them.
That's perfect in concept. But I suspect that 21 year old is also a bit more unpredictable in performance.

Note on another thread the 50 DPs were rank ordered. I believe we and TFC were the only teams to have 3 DPs in the top 20. And all 6 of those DPs are veterans.

Just saying your idea is good but is a model with risk.

That's perfect in concept. But I suspect that 21 year old is also a bit more unpredictable in performance.

Note on another thread the 50 DPs were rank ordered. I believe we and TFC were the only teams to have 3 DPs in the top 20. And all 6 of those DPs are veterans.

Just saying your idea is good but is a model with risk.

Sure, but I said we go out and get the "best" under-23 players. I don't want us to find the 50th best u-23, but guys in the top 10-20. Make NYC a 2-3 year destination before the big jump to Europe. Will we get a "Neymar", doubtful since he was able to step into Barcelona's starting lineup, but there are guys that the big clubs are going to want but don't have a starting spot for this year, so two years of polishing in a cosmopolitan city like ours is a perfect segue for them. I'm sure Manchester is a lovely city, but NYC offers more and what "kid" doesn't want that experience?

So pay the ridiculous transfer prices to grab them, stock the supporting cast with guys $2-400k in price, and run rampant in the league. The young guns will know they have to perform because they want that jump to MCFC / Munich / Real. Will CFG have to do their homework - a big YES - but that's what their scouting dept is for, and what player(s) on the planet wouldn't want to have a direct pipeline to Pep's squad while getting 1st team minutes under a guy like Vieira?

I think it's a risk worth exploring - it's the best way to maximize the CAP by getting the highest average ability (as ability relates to contract value) across the most number of players. Just hire three full-time motivational coaches and 3 full-time chaperones and what could go wrong?
Sure, but I said we go out and get the "best" under-23 players. I don't want us to find the 50th best u-23, but guys in the top 10-20. Make NYC a 2-3 year destination before the big jump to Europe. Will we get a "Neymar", doubtful since he was able to step into Barcelona's starting lineup, but there are guys that the big clubs are going to want but don't have a starting spot for this year, so two years of polishing in a cosmopolitan city like ours is a perfect segue for them. I'm sure Manchester is a lovely city, but NYC offers more and what "kid" doesn't want that experience?

So pay the ridiculous transfer prices to grab them, stock the supporting cast with guys $2-400k in price, and run rampant in the league. The young guns will know they have to perform because they want that jump to MCFC / Munich / Real. Will CFG have to do their homework - a big YES - but that's what their scouting dept is for, and what player(s) on the planet wouldn't want to have a direct pipeline to Pep's squad while getting 1st team minutes under a guy like Vieira?

I think it's a risk worth exploring - it's the best way to maximize the CAP by getting the highest average ability (as ability relates to contract value) across the most number of players. Just hire three full-time motivational coaches and 3 full-time chaperones and what could go wrong?

Mario Baotelli
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Mario Baotelli
If it was him and two others, with the extra money propping up the rest of the team, I'd take it. Hell, him getting a red card every other game while scoring twice when he plays is still coming out ahead of Lampard that missed the first half and then Nearly scored every game after.
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If it was him and two others, with the extra money propping up the rest of the team, I'd take it. Hell, him getting a red card every other game while scoring twice when he plays is still coming out ahead of Lampard that missed the first half and then Nearly scored every game after.
I would like this also, but he is definitely staying in Europe. He has dreams of Ballon D'Or
I would like this also, but he is definitely staying in Europe. He has dreams of Ballon D'Or
Getting him now that he's 26 doesn't work with my Youth DP Cap Model.
Went back and looked at the CBA to see where the league will land next year as far as cap numbers.

Senior Minimum

(2016) $62,500 (2017) $65,000

Reserve Minimum

(2016) $51,500 (2017) $53,000

Supporters Shield Winners Bonus

(2016) $55,000 (2017-2019) $130,000

Salary Budget

(2016) $3.66M (2017) $3.845M

DP Threshold

(2016) $457,500 (2017) $480,625

In 2018 MLS will break the $4m mark in Salary Budget and $500k for DP threshold. Just thought I would share.

ETA: $3.845M spread across the 20 slots comes to $192,250

I was reading this and effectively thinking that the increase in the cap allows us the opportunity to get another Matarrita.

BUT, then I saw the DP increase. So ultimately for us (and assuming we sign a 3rd DP prior to season start, which may not happen), the additional cap would only be $115k.
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I was reading this and effectively thinking that the increase in the cap allows us the opportunity to get another Matarrita.

BUT, then I saw the DP increase. So ultimately for us (and assuming we sign a 3rd DP prior to season start, which may not happen), the additional cap would only be $115k.
Three card Monty. Get everybody excited about one thing and nobody (except you) is paying attention to the rest.
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