If you think we are obsessed with the lack of visible progress on our new stadium, go check http://www.mlssoccer.com/post/2016/08/19/atlanta-join-eastern-conference-2017-minnesota-compete-west
Instead, the first comment on the article, with 37 upvotes and 50 follow-on comments says:
"nycfc should be given a deadline to build a proper stadium or get kicked out"
What the literally fuck?!
Ask a random US soccer fan what he or she had for breakfast, and there's like a 50% chance they'll answer by mentioning Pro-Rel or the Yankee Stadium soccer field. The article isn't even about the Minnesota stadium. It's about the conference assignments. That's obsession. At least this is our team.
As a guy who freely admits to spending far too much time playing on a computer, I've always been of the opinion that collectively, soccer fans are the biggest group of idiots on the internet. Having this in mind has made my surfing into various soccer web pages somewhat more palatable.
There is so much stupid in those replies I wouldn't even know where to start, but I will say this. Warts and all, I'm willing to wager players prefer to play on the grass surface on the Yankee Stadium field as compared to those toxic wastes sites in Seattle, Portland, New England, Vancouver, etc.....
I can't recall who it was last night in Seattle, but a Portland player (Chara?) got up off the field after being injured and his face had a lot of those rubber pellets stuck to his face. Yeah, no health risk there on one of those authentic, non-organic, non-grassroots fields.

P.S. If you go back to that thread, that's my thumbs up to your reply.