Stadium Discussion

I would like it if the Supporter Section would be facing the Skyline. They certainly deserve that view. Make that section high and large and lower the End Line to showcase the skyline.

They will give that view to the higher paying End Line & End Line Club Seats. They would probably also angle the stadium so all the sideline club seats get the better view of the midtown skyline.
I'm throwing this here because it relates to schedule of our current stadium. Yankee Stadium has a football game on Saturday, November 4, 2017 already booked between Rutgers and Maryland. That would be the same Saturday of a home playoff game if the MLS schedule carries over to 2017. Midweek semifinals game in store for 2017?
The supporters would most likely have their back towards the akykine. From a cinematographic perspective ots much better that way
Agreed, but it may be difficult to pull that off. I would guess that they would want the supporters section to be a larger section and that could be difficult if they are attempting to showcase the skyline, as that may require a particular section to not be built as high.
The supporters would most likely have their back towards the akykine. From a cinematographic perspective ots much better that way
Agreed, but it may be difficult to pull that off. I would guess that they would want the supporters section to be a larger section and that could be difficult if they are attempting to showcase the skyline, as that may require a particular section to not be built as high.
eh...I'm not so sure they want it to be a larger section given they are the lowest priced tickets.
Ha... love the point/counterpoint here.
eh...I'm not so sure they want it to be a larger section given they are the lowest priced tickets.
Valid point, but I don't think the supporters section would be in an open end of the field. Usually, in order to show off a particular view outside the stadium (ala Heinz Field), that portion is left open ended to a certain extent. I don't think there would be enough space for the supporters section if they were to do that.
Okay... random thought and I might catch a lot of flack for it... Why not use heritage field for the new stadium and use the parking garage, GAL, and the lots along the river for park land? We all know there's a glut of parking that is unused so keep the new underground garages that were built at the time of the new stadium and scrap the extra lots? Someone's going to probably say something like "Babe Ruth will roll over in his grave with a soccer field built on top of the original home plate" but it would solve the issue of space.
Okay... random thought and I might catch a lot of flack for it... Why not use heritage field for the new stadium and use the parking garage, GAL, and the lots along the river for park land? We all know there's a glut of parking that is unused so keep the new underground garages that were built at the time of the new stadium and scrap the extra lots? Someone's going to probably say something like "Babe Ruth will roll over in his grave with a soccer field built on top of the original home plate" but it would solve the issue of space.
Then where would they build the New New Yankee Stadium in 30 years? I kid, but there will be a point in time that this stadium will out live it's usefulness.
Okay... random thought and I might catch a lot of flack for it... Why not use heritage field for the new stadium and use the parking garage, GAL, and the lots along the river for park land? We all know there's a glut of parking that is unused so keep the new underground garages that were built at the time of the new stadium and scrap the extra lots? Someone's going to probably say something like "Babe Ruth will roll over in his grave with a soccer field built on top of the original home plate" but it would solve the issue of space.
Because that would complicate things 10 fold.

You'd then have to involve the parks department, city council, local community boards, not to mention the protests that would erupt given that Yankee Stadium was several years late on returning the parkland.

Not saying it isn't a great idea or that it doesn't make sense. It would just make things much more complicated than building where they can.
Then where would they build the New New Yankee Stadium in 30 years? I kid, but there will be a point in time that this stadium will out live it's usefulness.

True, but we could be talking 50-60 years down the road. Heritage Field seems like an easy solution to the space problem. You already know a stadium fits there. Parking lots would be easy to clear for green space.
taking back or exchanging park space just ain't gonna happen. Would be a great fit, but yeah....
Can we discuss the "must wait until after the election to announce" part of the rumor? (a) Why? (b) Where does that leave the timeline for construction of the stadium?

Only thing I can think of re: (a) is that de Blasio brokered a deal in which he agreed to the stadium, but didn't want his opponents to use it against him in the Mayoral race (you promised more affordable housing and you're in bed with the corporations, etc.)
De Blasio is worried about being primaried from his left - which is hysterical considering how liberal he is.

He was able to get pre-K through. I think he's failed with affordable housing.
There are so many unused or underused lots around the stadium that could be turned into park land. In the article below it says only 10% of Yankee fans use the parking lots. Assuming a sellout of about 48k that means only about 5k are driving in. If you average 2 people a car that's 2500 cars per game. The article says there are 8700 spots. Talk about a waste of money keeping these lots and garages open and maintained.
There are so many unused or underused lots around the stadium that could be turned into park land. In the article below it says only 10% of Yankee fans use the parking lots. Assuming a sellout of about 48k that means only about 5k are driving in. If you average 2 people a car that's 2500 cars per game. The article says there are 8700 spots. Talk about a waste of money keeping these lots and garages open and maintained.
Not to mention people like myself who park on the street. I'll walk 10 blocks not to pay. It's a principle...:) Although must admit, do get flack sometimes from whomever I'm pooling........