Stadium Discussion

Question: Is this stadium in Brooklyn or Queens?
That's a bit of a haul. How's that walk neighborhood wise?
From the Hunters Point station it can be a bit gritty/industrial because you're right near the snarl of the LIE/QMT access, but if you take Jackson Ave. there are some decent amenities and the Hunters Point neighborhood in general is rapidly gentrifying. Immediately south of the station is unpleasant territory (not unsafe, just gritty), but you'd most likely be cutting west into an area nicer for walking.

From 21st/Van Alst you're pretty much in the heart of the gentrifying area of Hunters Point.

From the other side, the walk from Nassau Ave. is much longer but it's through the heart of Greenpoint, which is pretty nice if you get off of trafficky McGuinness Blvd.