Stadium Discussion

I paid for Yankee Stadium for the 2020 in full already. If you're going to change the location of the games, you have to announce this before people sign up again. Will they offer refunds or partial refund for just the matches at Citi Field?

i love Citi. But for the sake of all the fans and STHs, PLEASE for the love of god, change the process of allotting STHs tickets for the Citi games. Let them choose, keep sections together, there has to be at least 53 better ways.
I paid for Yankee Stadium for the 2020 in full already. If you're going to change the location of the games, you have to announce this before people sign up again. Will they offer refunds or partial refund for just the matches at Citi Field?
Totally fair. Given how poorly received the seat assignments for one game were I have to wonder if they will revise the process if they actually do this. That doesn’t address your valid complaint but it’s something. I will downgrade if they try to force me into Citi Field Delta seats.
I paid for Yankee Stadium for the 2020 in full already. If you're going to change the location of the games, you have to announce this before people sign up again. Will they offer refunds or partial refund for just the matches at Citi Field?
This . Changing the venue after signup is disingenuous and underhanded. There is zero chance this was not in the works before they announced the renewal period. If there was any chance of splitting the season, wait for the renewal until after that’s announced.

If true, Brad Sims is proving to be an underhanded & sleazy corporate executive.
I found his answer very useful. It helps to know this isn't the same rumor just going around in circles.

i guess. i don't know who he is or if he's a reliable source. but not knowing who he is - sounds like an answer that attempts to build credibility (people inside the club) while not committing to anything.

if he's a known credible source then i take it all back :)
If this is the case, what the FO should do instead of “assigning” seats is to first refund the season ticket holders for the number of games that are moved from YS to Citi. They should then hold new “Citi Field seat selection” for any seat in the stadium based on the priority list order, similar to when we first got seats in YS. You then charge the season ticket holder for the price per seat x number of Citi field games.
Equitable and every season ticket holder is given the choice of where they want to sit in Citi.
If this is the case, what the FO should do instead of “assigning” seats is to first refund the season ticket holders for the number of games that are moved from YS to Citi. They should then hold new “Citi Field seat selection” for any seat in the stadium based on the priority list order, similar to when we first got seats in YS. You then charge the season ticket holder for the price per seat x number of Citi field games.
Equitable and every season ticket holder is given the choice of where they want to sit in Citi.
The problem is the unknown slate of matches at each stadium. Requiring early purchase before knowing the split can lead to very disgruntled fans if YS has NE, CHI, Cin while Citi has ATL, LAFC, RB. It’s one thing to purchase for a single stadium when you know you get all 17, but this leaves a lot of unknowns.
I wonder if the split would be something like US Open Cup/Champions League at Citi, MLS games at Yankee Stadium. Seems like the biggest issue for the club is finding more games to add to the home schedule, and I don't think St. Johns or Columbia would be good enough for Champions League.

The other question I have is whether this has anything to do with a stadium proposal in Queens. Is this the start of the team moving from the Bronx to Queens full-time, or just a way to improve the schedule for next season and improve attendance? Is this a long-term thing, or a short term solution to the awful home schedule we had this season?

Lots of questions, I'm sure we'll get answers to none of these questions if this rumor is true.