Tommy Mac Goal of the Week Voting

if he doesn't win vs the other semi finalist i'd be shocked. Piatti and peterson goals are similar but from inside the box and therefore tmac's is better imho. the only challenger would be drogba's and not because of the finish but the cheeky back heal and that really not enough vs the blast tmac had. such a sweet goal form distance upper 90.
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If TMac wins the award.....

Marsch: "it's not right, it's not fair, the fans are always giving the local legends the benefit of the doubt. An American player happens to score a goal in a losing effort and gets preferential treatment and wins an award - it's bullshit and everybody knows it. Red Bulls score a lot of goals - I'd say very pretty goals - and we won our game, and then my guys have to have this crap thrown in their faces?!? I hope the fans take a good look at themselves and ask are they voting because of a reputation of always going upper 90, or should they make the correct decision and vote for one of my players?!? If they vote for that mulleted kid, they can all just Fck-off, because they're not real fans and they surely don't know a good goal when it smacks them in their faces. Sacha Kljestan's penalty kick was an absolute thing of beauty. Everybody should vote for that."
He's tied at 50% in voting and there's one hour left.

FYI - you can vote with different browsers, and also via MLS website and via NYCFC website (on each browser). have 2 browsers, vote 4 times.... etc....
And he's now losing with only 48% with 30 min left.....
He's tied at 50% in voting and there's one hour left.

FYI - you can vote with different browsers, and also via MLS website and via NYCFC website (on each browser). have 2 browsers, vote 4 times.... etc....

You can vote from the same device once each hour.
he lost, how the hell did neutrals vote piatti over tmac. or was it a case of never nycfc. no way piatti was better.
he lost, how the hell did neutrals vote piatti over tmac. or was it a case of never nycfc. no way piatti was better.
Don't discount the neutrals thinking NYCFC won last week so let's give it to someone else. If the anybody but NYC sentiment was so strong Jack would not have won so handily.
Does Tommy get a sandwich if he wins?

That goal did make me stand up and cheer like a maniac though.
I think it was Montreal bombarding the voting. Both finalists are theirs. That's the way it goes in these things sometimes. Too bad, because that was honestly one of the best of the year.

This is why they need to get rid of the bracket and go back to the single poll.
This is why they need to get rid of the bracket and go back to the single poll.

Absolutely. The bracket is just a big pain in the ass.

I used to show my kid the single poll one morning each week, and it was a fun thing we did together. Now, it's just not worth it. 8 separate videos... having to check back in every day... commercials over and over... He asks about doing it too.
someone on reddit said that the voting is manipulated with bots. someone was pissed Amariwka did get gotw (heck didn't even make the finals) in week 2 for his chip. mls supposedly was told but i guess isn't doing anything because they are getting the page clicks they want.
someone on reddit said that the voting is manipulated with bots. someone was pissed Amariwka did get gotw (heck didn't even make the finals) in week 2 for his chip. mls supposedly was told but i guess isn't doing anything because they are getting the page clicks they want.

Sounds like Piped Piper and the click farm in India
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someone on reddit said that the voting is manipulated with bots. someone was pissed Amariwka did get gotw (heck didn't even make the finals) in week 2 for his chip. mls supposedly was told but i guess isn't doing anything because they are getting the page clicks they want.
That is why it should be a single vote per machine. None of this every hour crap.
That is why it should be a single vote per machine. None of this every hour crap.
You're taking money out of your own pocket. Get some cheap click verification service, put up clickbait content, sell ads, profit.

Don't get me started on ad bullshit. It's my new thing.
someone on reddit said that the voting is manipulated with bots. someone was pissed Amariwka did get gotw (heck didn't even make the finals) in week 2 for his chip. mls supposedly was told but i guess isn't doing anything because they are getting the page clicks they want.
Its really sad. Watching the video of the two finalists this week during the All Star Game last night, I thought to myself, what do fans of other leagues think of the "two best goals" from the week? One was a tap-in by Drogba and the other was a nice finish from Piatti, but hardly anything to wow anyone.