Why I (and Probly Most Nycfc Supporters) Dont Support Rbny


Mar 27, 2014
I cant stop reading and hearing about how the Red Shite were here first so therefore i owe them allegiance.
Lines like "New York already has a soccer team" ar all too familar too me. So heres my reasons for not being a red.

  1. They Dont play in NY. Why would i support a "NY" team if they dont play in NY?
  2. Its a bitch to get there. "Its easy to get there from downtown" is bullshit. If I wanted to get there, i would have to take a bus, a train, another train and then the PATH train.
  3. I dont want to support a a team with a shitty drink.
  4. Theres no NY connection, i rarely see ads within NY advertising the team.
  5. "It's just the Red Bull thing for me, I still cringe every time I hear about the club"~ 4 413Blue
  6. "It's the double whammy of the named for an energy drink and their in Jersey for me. It's an embarrassing name, kit , badge etc. for me. "~ Davo15 Davo15
  7. "I'm a fan of too many teams that find ways build hope and then lose. I don't need another one."~ City-Nole City-Nole

if theres any other reasons, add them in the comments so i can add them up here
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It's just the Red Bull thing for me, I still cringe every time I hear about the club.
I'm waiting to hear "I hate Theirry Henry!" as a reason.

Considering attendance issues at RBA, I am surprised you can find people who mock your choice.
It's the double whammy of the named for an energy drink and their in Jersey for me. It's an embarrassing name, kit , badge etc. for me. I also never have supported the Nets or Devils or even Giants or Jets, Jersey doesn't mean anything to me.
I'm a fan of too many teams that find ways build hope and then lose. I don't need another one.
Yeah I just really can't stomach telling people I support the Red Bulls. When I heard there was a team starting up with a classy name like NYCFC it was a revelation.
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Honestly, who really cares. What's the point in putting a list together? We're NYCFC fans. Done. Seems like too many folks have this weird RB obsession.
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Honestly, who really cares. What's the point in putting a list together? We're NYCFC fans. Done. Seems like too many folks have this weird RB obsession.
Exactly, we support the club in the Bronx (for now) and that's all I gotta say! CITY CITY CITY
It's just jealousy. Ignore it because what they think of us is irrelevant.

It's always going to be like that. Just look at how people always have something to say about the Yankees and their fans
It's just jealousy. Ignore it because what they think of us is irrelevant.

I'm a NYCFC fan. I don't owe anybody an explanation. If someone doesn't like it, they can go fuck themselves.
Are we still discussing this? You can choose to support whomever you damn will please, besides more often then not it's an emotional thing rather then a logical one.