To be fair, Pirlo came in mid-season and anyone would be foolish to base his contribution based on that. Yes, I am obviously bias, based on the Juve/Italia connection, but I will have no problem admitting it a failure 1/2 way through this season. Lampard will be gone after this year, but I bet we get some decent production out of him. The team had no identity, no history, a mish-mosh of players...they didn't even know what type of DP to go after. So why not bring an Italian and English legend in to help build the brand up and give the people some excitement. What did we really expect to win last year..nothing. Now with PV here, I think we will start to see what kind of team this will be and realistically start building. We can have the best DPs in the world, but that doesn't matter if the surrounding players are lousy. We are bringing in some good young pieces now. Let them play alongside legends and get acclimated to MLS...then we bring in DPs based on need and win a title.