"Removing one's shirt after scoring is unnecessary and players should avoid such excessive displays of joy."Man, that would be a disaster if Villa went out on yellow card accumulation because he took his shirt off! What post-Victorian reason is that a reason for giving a yellow card? Is this an MLS rule or one adopted from FIFA?
I can't imagine Brandi Chastain got a yellow card for her celebration!
Source: http://www.fifa.com/development/new...law-yellow-card-for-removal-jersey-92958.html
Actual page from FIFA rules:

I swear, that arrow is in the rule book and I did not add it in!
Source (PDF download): http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/afdeveloping/refereeing/law_12_fouls_misconduct_en_47379.pdf
That's page 50. Worth downloading for the other jersey photos on page 51-54. Bonus on page 55: masks!