am i missing something or are they only selling replicas for this?
i think they always been replicas though. the 2019 one i got was replica price from what i remember.
am i missing something or are they only selling replicas for this?
Parley and such (other special kits- USA, military, pride, etc.) they only sell as replicas. Only "authentic" kits are the home and i missing something or are they only selling replicas for this?
Only seeing replicas as well, which makes it much easier to not buy oneam i missing something or are they only selling replicas for this?
Only seeing replicas as well, which makes it much easier to not buy one
I'm not even sure there are authentics -- they may play in these.Probably really hard to make authentics for these since I'm imagining the parlay kits take longer to manufacture. Lining up how much to produce vs what the demand for them would be is I'm sure really difficult.
Perhaps an idea to get some authentics out there would be to only make a limited amount and maybe auction them off, proceeds go to help clean the oceans or something.
i wonder how the other south americans feel about the brazilians getting so much attention - 2 of which have yet to even prove themselves in MLS.
we have 2 starter argentinians - yet no love there.
I think they got the order wrong.They really pushing this, so is this an idea for a third kit? lol
Is there a way to figure this out? Does anyone know?I'm not even sure there are authentics -- they may play in these.
Best way to figure it out would be to see the crest on the kits they wear. If it's a replica, the crest will be sewn/stitched on. If its authentic, it will have an applique/plastic-esque looking crest.Is there a way to figure this out? Does anyone know?
Heat sealed for the men's shirt and embroidered for the women's and kid's, for anyone interested. (According to the MLS Shop description)Best way to figure it out would be to see the crest on the kits they wear. If it's a replica, the crest will be sewn/stitched on. If its authentic, it will have an applique/plastic-esque looking crest.
Also, the striping (on sides/shoulders) on replicas is sewn on, for authentics it will be applique.
EDIT: (images added)
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i wonder how the other south americans feel about the brazilians getting so much attention - 2 of which have yet to even prove themselves in MLS.
we have 2 starter argentinians - yet no love there.
It’s a mock up but No lie, I like the design. not so much the skyline image inside, but the design I approve.