2021 NYCFC Kit Thread

Please just give us more orange, not overly orange, but some. I actually really dig the Amsterdam FC shirts (maybe not the sleeves on the black one, but the street grid on the shirt is awesome)



How comfortable is that material with the map of Manhattan?
Should be the same feeling as adidas jerseys, it's just sublimated, so it's within the fabric of the jersey. I think it looks cool and would love to see NYCFC embrace something like that
Still no 2021 MLS kit leaks that I'm aware of but I did some more general digging around out of curiosity/boredom:

1) The 2020 MLS jerseys were based on the Adidas Condivo design. Didn't find anything saying MLS would opt for it again, but if they do the Condivo has been updated. Footy Headlines has a Condivo 20 vs. Condivo 21 comparison with visuals. Algeria's national team kit is based on Condivo 21:

2) I cribbed this list from another board and added hyperlinks but here are the teams and kits that should be updated this year:
The good news is that a bunch of those generic white kits will likely be gone.

3) No photo teasers, but Merritt Paulson is promising a slam dunk in 2021 and something risky in 2022:

4) The Columbus black secondary is for sale with the new MLS cup star, but on the Adidas website they're calling it the primary. Possible they will make the black jersey their primary again and have a new jersey they consider secondary. (This happened in 2016 when they made black the primary and didn't have a yellow, they released that one inspired by the city flag aka the skittles jersey aka the pee stain jersey).

5) Just a reminder that longsleeve jerseys and third kits disappeared, and then longsleeves reappeared. Third kits this year as well? From the Athletic last year: "MLS is poised to allow a third kit next year for a handful of its best-selling clubs, an option clubs haven’t had for years. Those third kits, which briefly appeared in the mid-2010s, were phased out when they simply didn’t sell well enough."

6) Not sure about overall jersey sales, but in terms of specific players, no one from NYCFC was in the top 25 based on the figures the league releases each year based on mlsstore.com sales:

Best-Selling Jerseys Top 25 Instagram 1080x1080.png
3) No photo teasers, but Merritt Paulson is promising a slam dunk in 2021 and something risky in 2022:
I know Paulson is just being the owner in this and will want to pump up the new kit, but this goes against the first rule of new kits where ~30% of fans absolutely hate the new kit at first and ~30% of fans absolutely love the new kit at first (this rule does not apply to Forward Madison).
i love my long sleeve jersey. i really hope they make a comeback but I really doubt the club will make them cause they simply don't sell as well.

if the gotham jersey had long sleeves, i'd get one right away. hoping for a really cool home kit in 2021!
Not really a rumor or anything of that nature, but I think each year the NYCFC website changes its background to reflect similar patterns with the jersey. (Maybe it's only after the jersey has been released, i can't remember.) But right now the site definitely has a nice light blue with navy accents with a subway mosaic vibe which could be really cool on a jersey. The colors give me 2018 home kit vibes minus the orange. Again, all speculation based on personal observations so take it with a grain of salt.
Not really a rumor or anything of that nature, but I think each year the NYCFC website changes its background to reflect similar patterns with the jersey.

The Third Rail annual scarf also usually matches the new kit each year as well. Here's a photo for 2021:
And just to be clear, I don't know anything more than you all. I just got this in a 12/24 email about renewing my TR membership
Not really a rumor or anything of that nature, but I think each year the NYCFC website changes its background to reflect similar patterns with the jersey. (Maybe it's only after the jersey has been released, i can't remember.) But right now the site definitely has a nice light blue with navy accents with a subway mosaic vibe which could be really cool on a jersey. The colors give me 2018 home kit vibes minus the orange. Again, all speculation based on personal observations so take it with a grain of salt.

Really helps if you zoom all the way out. Here is the image in full.

Some other teams' 2021 kit leaks/rumors:

Atlanta - Five stripes (if you can still call it that) primary kit; maroon third kit
LAFC - Secondary linen kit
LA Galaxy - Secondary based on pre-2007 rebrand with black tech green and white
That ATL "5 stripes" one is an absolute joke. lmao

Really helps if you zoom all the way out. Here is the image in full.

View attachment 10997
If that's on the kit, I'm going to be incredibly happy with it. Now just throw in some orange, some dark blue, and I'll be extremely happy