Anger With Rb

I have three reasons:
1: The Red Bulls say they are from NY. They are not.
2: The Red Bulls (and Cosmos) have bashed us since our announcement
3: A group of Red Bulls supporters has already scrapped with a group of NYCFC supporters.

And so, the rivalry was born.
when did rbny and City supporters get into it?
when did rbny and City supporters get into it?
Apparently there was an issue during the bar crawl on Saturday night at Legends. Don't know details because I wasn't there. But Legends is a known Red Bulls spot and to go there in blue on a match day...well we can only assume tensions were high.
3 - Red Bull is just a horrible, horrible company. They walk into clubs they take over and tell the fans "your old club does not exist any more. You have no history. You deserve no history. Behold your new club, which you will have no say in. Worship it". They are particularly infamous in Europe for how they ruthlessly gutted Salzburg's side and when the fans raised a complaint they were told - in no uncertain terms - "well go and support another team then, because this one's ours".

Check out this for the basic story behind why they're so vile:

So, they're the same as your company?

The main difference I see is that MetroStars/RBNY fans are the victims of such practices after their club with a soul they supported was hijacked, while FCNY fans are willingly supporting a team started as a brand promotion. It's stunning to me that you guys are trying to play that card. It's like me haranguing other teams' attendance or turf.
It's like you taking one persons opinion and generalizing the entire fan base.
Come on man. It's a public forum anyone can say anything they want and voice their thoughts.
We can all choose to disagree with it or not, but saying "you guys" and putting all NYCFC fans in that category you're just looking for a fight.
I'm aware of the Melbourne Heart story, I'm a member of their forums too. Sufficed to say that I posted that before the above story exploded, and I'm strongly against it happening. A MCFC board member recently met with fans and said that they are trying to find a way to keep fans' opinions and continue to use their traditional colours in some form, and they've made no suggestion of trying to erase the club's history, which is the first thing Red Bull does when it takes over a club - no one knows how it's all going to work out but I'm hopeful that they'll keep the red and white as the home shirt. Obviously if they don't then I'll have some thinking to do but I won't make a call until it happens.

Besides, this doesn't stop me from hating Red Bull. Just because a team I support does something questionable doesn't mean I must now support anyone who does that thing. If my brother punched my best friend in the face, and then a random guy on the street punched my best friend in the face, I would still floor the guy in the street for punching my best friend. Doesn't change the morals of the situation.
So, they're the same as your company?

The main difference I see is that MetroStars/RBNY fans are the victims of such practices after their club with a soul they supported was hijacked, while FCNY fans are willingly supporting a team started as a brand promotion. It's stunning to me that you guys are trying to play that card. It's like me haranguing other teams' attendance or turf.
Revs fan huh? So all MLS fans are gonna support the Red Bulls against NYCFC? Is this a thing now?
erase the club's history, which is the first thing Red Bull does when it takes over a club

Not with RBNY.

If my brother punched my best friend in the face, and then a random guy on the street punched my best friend in the face, I would still floor the guy in the street for punching my best friend. Doesn't change the morals of the situation.

And you'd admit that your brother is a scumbag too, right?
Not with RBNY.

Fair enough. But they did with Salzburg and Leipzig, and that has forever ruined their reputation in Europe.

And you'd admit that your brother is a scumbag too, right?

Yes I would. I am still hopeful that City are going to do the right thing in Melbourne, and keep the red and white. If they have to introduce a sky blue shirt there, I want it to only be an away shirt, and nothing more. I don't mind them changing the name - only because most of the Heart fans have expressed that they actually would like the City name as it sounds less like a cutesy nickname - but I would be very unhappy if they get rid of the colours.