Atlanta Postmatch

That was outstanding. The midfield was incredible, even Ethan White was all over the place.

Maxi is a gem -- there are quite a few people on this forum that are going to have to eat some crow. That little dude can play.

Villa got a huge hand when he was subbed off, and it was so richly deserved. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'll never love an NYCFC player as much as I love Villa. They should retire his number whenever he leaves us.
I just thought of something. What if Pirlo becomes the new Mix. What if next game he's still on the bench and Camargo or Awuah or Stertzer (or McNamara) or someone is in for Herrera. And this keeps going and eventually he's out of the 18 and everyone is confused but no one is giving any straight answers. And then at the end of the season Pirlo's gone and we never really know why he was never played again (though we all know why in this case). What if this just became a thing with Vieira. There's always someone on his shitlist. Wouldn't that be entertaining? No? No it wouldn't?

Boy it's late and I sure am crazy.

I guess what I'm saying is I want someone other than Pirlo to start next week. Make it so, MLS writers!

Also to ZYanksRule above: You want them to retire number 7? Retire number 7? Number 7? Retire it? That's a hardcore number to retire. A lot of famous players wear 7. We couldn't get Ronaldo if we retire it. What if Ronny wanted to play for us but he couldn't because we retired his favorite number. Are you willing to risk that? Are you? Are you?

Hey why don't we all write in bold italics? It's rad as hell. Super swish. I'm not drunk, by the way. I'm just writing a lot so I seem drunk. But I'm not. I swear on Midas' life.

Sincerely yours,
Snuggle Farts, esquire...

Just one thing: Was the Atlanta throw in leading to the only Atlanta goal illegal?

His foot looked to have stepped very much on the line with his foot even in play, possibly over the line. It looked illegal.
I always thought those throws were illegal, but apparently only part of your foot has to remain out of bounds on the throw I believe. You're allowed to have one foot drag over the line and into play.

Edit: I'm wrong.

I could have sworn I read somewhere that as long as part of one of your feet is out of bounds, its legal. But I cannot seem to find that.
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No one has mentioned Wallace's three shots in quick succession at the beginning of the second half--rightfully so, because he had a role in all three goals--but it was a determined effort right out of the gate. Felt unlucky, but when he scored 15 minutes later it was such joy to watch. And then he follows it up a minute later with that sick layoff that Midas Mulligan Midas Mulligan recapped

That was way too early into the second half. My heart wasn't prepared to handle that.

Also crazy, at least two of those shots were cleared off the line by a defender. His header may have been as well, need to go back and rewatch.
I know nothing of AS's ability, but if he's an upgrade, then fantastic. But considering how hard I was on White last year, I'm equally high on him this year for becoming a very serviceable RB who has figured out how best to play the position in our system given his limitations. And just to add to it, he made quite a few overlaps today that led to dangerous crosses, one of which got him an assist. He's really upped his game, and I'd like to see him raise it another notch to hold the position from any new players.
White has been fantastic. Since the first game he played this year, I've been screaming for him to be subbed out every time he touches the ball. Because at the time, I did have an opinion that he's complete crap.

He's proven me wrong. But that hasn't stopped me from yelling to sub him out every time he touches the ball still. It's working. :D
As to the bold, isn't the big criticism that we're not athletic enough and the team as a whole is better without him? We can actually press and defend the whole field now. So how that makes the criticism unfair, I'm not sure. I'm willing to go out on a limb here and say Pirlo, as we once knew him, just doesn't exist anymore. He is still good for an occasional show stopper pass, but this year, they've been fewer and farther between. And the mistakes and lapses are more regular. Going to go back to what I said early this year, the reason Pirlo creates all the chances when he plays is that the team is forced to play in such a way that he's the only one who can create chances.

If Ring being 6 and Herrera being hell for leather whatever is what we're doing, then I don't want to ever change. Herrera is doing his Vidal thing all over the pitch and it is beautiful. In person, I was like "there he is making a defensive stop", 3 seconds later "that SOB is in the box already!" And he hit so many beautiful one-touch passes. We can finally play quickly and it's exactly what we need.

Ring and Herrera will fucking punish Michael Bradley. Oh happy day it will be if they could embarrass that shameless bald bastard to the point he'd retire on the spot, as he should, just to keep him off the nats.

All that said, you know Ring can't play the 6 if Pirlo is on the field, so I don't see the point in this one.
On my phone so I can't be effed fancy-quoting.

I don't think that the majority of the criticism was about his athleticism, and I don't think that's unfair or even disputed :) I don't want to rake up too much of the muck, so I'm not going to produce a comprehensive survey of what's been said.

I've always been pretty high on Herrera, even when I thought he'd slot in at the 6. I was concerned about Ring's positional discipline, but not having seen most of the game, it sounds like that wasn't a problem. Also, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that Ring can't play the 6 when Pirlo was on - that's where we put Andoni last year in order to give Pirlo more license to create.
Accidentally posted this in the MLS Wk 10 thread, but it belongs here.

I don't always check out the Audi index, but This is as one sided as I've ever seen.
The bigger difference to me with Herrera on the field is that we are willing to boot it long against the press because we have another guy big enough to get the first ball and fast and tenacious enough to chase down the second ball. And that's fine with me. I like our identity playing out of the back, but you have to be willing to mix it up to keep the defense guessing.

Absolutely. I saw it on TV, and in the match I saw Ring was MOTM followed by Maxi, Wallace and Villa. Ring didn't mistime one interception, and was very calm, not trying to do impossible things, being just aggressive enough, etc. Except from an errant long distance pass at around 80 min, he was impeccable. I think it is the first game he was not reprimanded by the referee, and also his best game in a NYCFC shirt. It is not a coincidence that Herrera's presence has settled both Maxi and Ring into more defined roles that they can fulfill with great clarity and confidence.
The bigger difference to me with Herrera on the field is that we are willing to boot it long against the press because we have another guy big enough to get the first ball and fast and tenacious enough to chase down the second ball. And that's fine with me. I like our identity playing out of the back, but you have to be willing to mix it up to keep the defense guessing.

This. Any team that is one dimensional is easy to be stopped. Instead of playing right into ATL's press, go around and above it. When you break a press, puts a lot of stress on the back line and voila - you see the domination today. Hopefully they remember this for the RBNJ games later this year.

ATL lives to get a turnover and get it to Almiron with space in front of him...this game Almiron kept dropping deeper and deeper to get the ball, and when he did he was marked tightly, usually by Herrera. Well done.