First & foremost, NYCFC takes precedent above all else.
However, it is difficult for that to happen at the present time, reasons for which have been alluded to already. This will change but not for a fair few months. After that, there won't be too much of a problem.
Less is more. Constructive debate is golden, random crap is not and serves only to dilute the place. But one man's treasure is another man's garbage, so to discount threads that one may not like would be counterproductive. If no one is truly interested in a conversation then no one will take part and it would die a silent death, perhaps never to raise its head again. Trail by error sort of thing: if a NYCFC fan wants to hate on something but abides by the rules then it must be allowed. You/I may not like it, but not everyone agrees with everyone else.
My advice would be to not have too many sections, but make the existing ones all-inclusive. If this truly is to be a NYCFC forum, then that is at the top, MLS underneath, all other football elsewhere, and maybe other sports as a separate entity or thrown in with other football elsewhere.
We only have 4 sections at mcfcforum, which are divided into sub-categories, of which I would say only 6 or 7 are posted in regularly. As said we don't have anything that resembles a Warzone or Debate Desk, as everything posted is treated equally, whether it is non-controversial or not; Mods and Admin know what to look out for and what to do should things get out of hand (and TBF it rarely gets that far).
This is a good place and all should be very proud of what has been accomplished in such a short space of time. Be patient, guys.