Ask Chance


Seasoned Supporter
Hello everyone,

My name is Chance Michaels, and I'm the president of the soon-to-be-named SG.

As we get our group started, we need feedback and constructive criticism both from our members and from NYCFC supporters in general. Open communication and transparency are very important to me, and I'd like to try using this forum to start a dialogue. I mentioned at our last meeting that we are all new to this game, and will certainly stumble and fall as we establish the group. I'll need you all to help us identify problems and voice concerns. You can also tell us when you think we're doing a marvelous job, I won't mind.

If you have a question or comment about the SG that I can help with, please post it here. I will try to check in a couple times a day during the week, although that might not always be possible - I work a 60-hour week, and have three kids at home. But I will do my very best.

So here we go - fire away. What's on your mind?
I'm curious about the structure of the organization. How much are we looking to mimic Timber's Army and Timber's 107ist? What kind of contact do we have with them as advisers/consultants? Finally what I am most interested in, when and how will the bylaws be drafted?

In my opinion, I think it is fantastic that we are following the model of other successful supporters' groups. In fact if that wasn't the case I would have pushed for it at the meeting and elsewhere. I just hope to get more details. I would not mind helping in that department as well.
Thanks for your questions.

We don't have an official relationship with them, but one of our VPs has been in contact, and they have been extremely helpful in discussing their experiences; what worked for them, what they had to change on the fly. They have obviously been tremendously successful and there is a lot we can learn from that.

Bylaws are in progress. If you have experience with or interest in drafting them, shoot me a direct message/conversation.
Chance! Thanks for signing up. On behalf of the Forums, Welcome!

First and foremost: where can I get one of those know the one I'm talking about!

I don't have too may questions aside from one that I've seen pop up in other places on the Forums:

What is your background; What was it that brought you to the center of the SG?
I do indeed know the ones you mean! Unfortunately, they are all gone. I don't even have one - I gave mine to Coach Kreis when I saw him in Yankee Stadium for the temporary stadium/season ticket announcement. But never fear, new designs will come soon, and if the group so chooses, one of those designs could be very similar to the first batch.

As to my background, I am an independent Off- and Off-Off-Broadway producer. I'm used to establishing and administering non-profit theatres. When Anthony and the others first floated the idea of an SG, I thought I could help with the organizational structure.
Chance, great to have you here! Thanks for the "Ask Chance" thread, Brilliant!

How soon do you anticipate the Group would be ready to either confirm or elect the Board through a member vote?
I do indeed know the ones you mean! Unfortunately, they are all gone. I don't even have one - I gave mine to Coach Kreis when I saw him in Yankee Stadium for the temporary stadium/season ticket announcement. But never fear, new designs will come soon, and if the group so chooses, one of those designs could be very similar to the first batch.

As to my background, I am an independent Off- and Off-Off-Broadway producer. I'm used to establishing and administering non-profit theatres. When Anthony and the others first floated the idea of an SG, I thought I could help with the organizational structure.
Oooo you're the guy! So I have known (about) you for a while...just didn't realize you, were you. Either way, thanks for taking the initiative to get all this going. I wish I could have had a greater role in the leadership but my work schedule made that impossible and my brand new daughter decided she wanted every ounce of my free time. But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I've got a lot of faith in all of you guys to do what's best for the club.
To Slick Rick:

That's obviously a priority. But it has to come in its own time.

I think we need to get the organization up and running before we shake up the leadership. But new blood will be the key to building and maintaining a great organization. None of us are expecting to set up fiefdoms or entrench ourselves in the postions we currently hold.

It's worth noting that the Sons of Ben, another notable organization, just held their first elections last November, seven years after they were formed. We want to have elections in a fraction of that time.
Oooo you're the guy! So I have known (about) you for a while...just didn't realize you, were you. Either way, thanks for taking the initiative to get all this going. I wish I could have had a greater role in the leadership but my work schedule made that impossible and my brand new daughter decided she wanted every ounce of my free time. But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I've got a lot of faith in all of you guys to do what's best for the club.

Thanks for your faith; I hope to earn every bit of it.

I know what you mean about family; my three kids are the center of my world. Another reason why I don't want to spend too many terms in this office. Part of my job over the next year will be to make sure that there are people I can hand off these responsibilities to!
Hey Chance, thanks for doing this thread. I anticipate to post here a lot as we go along.

For starters, is there a list of names and positions (and contact info) for the board somewhere. I would like to who is in charge of what, and what the organization strutcture is.

Chance, I'd like to thank you and the others for doing the heavy lifting and getting things going.

So, it looks like we have a Board in place and its only a matter of a few days before a official name for the group is released. As someone who is quite new to the SG scene, I'd like to ask what's the next step to be taken?
Hi Chance. Will the SG be taking on any charitable endeavors? Something within the vicinity of the stadium/future stadium would be great. Building a close relationship with the community is something the Yankees have failed at for years. Breaking through, helping people out, and winning hearts and minds would go a long way.
A lot of the names suggested for SC names were mentioned but most won't be used. I guess this isn't a question but I would love to see some of them become designs for the official SC.

What if anything will the Supporter's Group be doing to help NYCFC lobby for a stadium? Have any specific plans or actions been decided upon yet?
Hey Chance, thanks for doing this thread. I anticipate to post here a lot as we go along.

For starters, is there a list of names and positions (and contact info) for the board somewhere. I would like to who is in charge of what, and what the organization strutcture is.


Great idea - we will post one shortly!
When and where would you like to hold the next meeting?

We have an idea, but have yet to book the space. I'd like to get away from bars and hold it in a more businesslike setting, but those can get expensive. We're working on some options and hope to make an announcement soon. If anyone knows of a space, please let me know.
Hi Chance. Will the SG be taking on any charitable endeavors? Something within the vicinity of the stadium/future stadium would be great. Building a close relationship with the community is something the Yankees have failed at for years. Breaking through, helping people out, and winning hearts and minds would go a long way.

We will absolutely be involved in charities. We expect to work with two charities every year (rotating); one global and one hyper-local. As you say, in the South Bronx would be ideal. We want to give something back to the community.