Could Melbourne City's Shirt Sponsor Hint At Ours?

I'm not sure why you think you need to be Middle Eastern to fly Etihad - Middle Eastern people are only a tiny percentage of the people who fly Etihad; I think Etihad is already the major airline flying out of several major cities (including Manchester and Melbourne, for the record).

Also, about Etihad and JetBlue having a partnership:
you dont have to be middle eastern. but i think of it like this: if American Airlines sponsored a team in lets say Iceland. the icelandic population here is small. they're better off getting with an icelandic airline.
and also, i dont plan on going to any part of asia any time soon
you dont have to be middle eastern. but i think of it like this: if American Airlines sponsored a team in lets say Iceland. the icelandic population here is small. they're better off getting with an icelandic airline.
and also, i dont plan on going to any part of asia any time soon

Why does the Icelandic population in the US matter if AA sponsors a team in Iceland? Surely if the sponsorship results in double the number of Icelandic people in Iceland flying AA then the sponsorship was a success?
Actually recent estimates put the Arab/Arab-American population in the US at over 2 million. By contrast UK is estimated to have around 500k.

Generally UK and Europe aren't as diverse as you would think. The US is the great melting pot/Salad.

Off demo rant.

I used to take you seriously.
Actually recent estimates put the Arab/Arab-American population in the US at over 2 million. By contrast UK is estimated to have around 500k.

Generally UK and Europe aren't as diverse as you would think. The US is the great melting pot/Salad.

Off demo rant.

Generally UK and Europe aren't as diverse as you would think. The US is the great melting pot/Salad.

is (how do I put this) not quite correct.

Should you mean physical numbers 2 Million Arabs out of a population of 313 million = 0.6%
or 500 K Arabs out of 53 million population = 0.9%

I am not sure of the point of your post anyway, and I am not going to get involved with any argument about demographics on a football site. Just lets say the World is a great big melting pot.
Awesome links. Doesn't show us much on ethnic diversity though. 10-20% non natives. Wow, that's probably the same as I don't know Billings or Tulsa in the US.

I would love to talk facts about demographics, diversity and USA vs every European nation in those categories (love how you used England vs UK).

Another thread then.
Awesome links. Doesn't show us much on ethnic diversity though. 10-20% non natives. Wow, that's probably the same as I don't know Billings or Tulsa in the US.

I would love to talk facts about demographics, diversity and USA vs every European nation in those categories (love how you used England vs UK).

Another thread then.

New off topic thread then my friend :) But are you talking first / second generation or the fact that there has been much migration to North America over the last 200 or so years due to the fact that there was no civilization (to speak of) much before then.
Until we Europeans brought civilization to your shores anyway !!!
There was as much civilization here as England put up a fight against the Germans in ww2.
Who cares who the sponsor is? It could be a penis enlargement company if they help pay for better players and development. People really care that much?
It might be a bit of a surprise to many but the gulf airlines are in the driving seat right now..

" According to the International Air Transport Association’s global air traffic data, the mature U.S. market grew by just over 1% in 2012, compared with growth of nearly 7% in the Asia-Pacific region, over 8% in Africa, over 10% in Latin America and a staggering 17% in the Middle East.
Based on market growth projections only, Etihad, Emirates and Qatar Airlines have a reason to invest in remaining the world’s best. American carriers will have to create similar high end cabins and airport customs services to compete in international markets"
Isn't 1% by a $10 billion company larger than 7% of a $500 million company?

Drivers seat? Maybe in 50 years, not today. At some point it will probably be Etihad-Delta Air super multi-national with HDQ in South America anyways.