Current Season



So.... who are people following this season? I just got into MLS last season, started by following Portland. They're a great run team that is a lot of fun to watch, definitely helped me get into MLS. Fantasy was also huge in helping me learn players. So, I'm sticking with Timbers again for the year.
NY, so my local team is Red Bulls. They are a great team, though they seem to crack under pressure. Regardless, they are a lot of fun to watch. I plan on going to a couple games this year, and will be watching every weekend.
Mostly Red Bulls since they're in my market. I'll be watching any other games I can find to check out the players on my fantasy team
Plus they have a guy walking around waving a (live) chainsaw in the air. You definitely wouldn't get away with that in the UK.

That said, it did drown out the radio commentary back when MCFC played them a few seasons ago.
I got no team that I follow really (yet!).. So out of some morbid fascination I´ll keep an eye on the dysfunctional ones like Chigago Fire, New England Revs, LA Dons and such :D
red bulls just because they're closest to me...but i am also paying close attention to TFC and Portland this season
I'm closest to red bulls too, but when I started to follow last season, I wanted a team that would really make me love MLS. Definitely happened with Portland.
I follow San Jose Earthquakes, since my cousin and his family lives in North California. I don't really support any team, used to be quite a bit of a Los Angeles Galaxy fan during the Beckham era. Will be a neutral supporter for the rest of the campaign, until New York City finally kick off.
I hope we can get the same atmosphere as the would be awesome to go nuts in NYC
TFC looks really good so far. Big fan of Bradley obviously, and as a Spurs supporter, I love Defoe as well. They are definitely the club I am most interested in from a player perspective.

From a supporters perspective, all three cascadia teams should be role models for what we should strive to accomplish at NYCFC.
This year? Toronto, Portland, Columbus, and Galaxy

This league is really getting some good coaches. Berhalter, Porter, Kreis, Pareja, Vermes, Arena, Kinnear....

Its an exciting time, hopefully the league goes BIG in the new CBA and this league can take that next step.
I can really see TOR going the whole year without a loss. They really look that good going forward. It's a pleasure to watch that kind of football in the MLS week in and week out now. Not that they're the only ones that look that good but they're leaps and bounds in front of other teams.
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I can really see TOR going the whole year without a loss. They really look that good going forward. It's a pleasure to watch that kind of football in the MLS week in and week out now. Not that they're the only ones that look that good but they're leaps and bounds in front of other teams.
Defoe is the best striker in the league. Henry's pretty good but not as consistent in my opinion. So far, if Defoe gets a good look at goal, he puts the ball, at the very least, on target.
I think Henry could be better but he's older and just playing for the hell of it while Jermain is determined to make the World Cup one last time.

I would agree about Toronto going undefeated but its a world cup year which means Bradley, Cesar, and maybe Defoe will be MIA for like a month. Toronto will probably be total crap during that time.
The Red Bulls just announced a match with Arsenal later this season at Red Bull arena. Hopefully NYCFC can draw in some European competition as well.
The Red Bulls just announced a match with Arsenal later this season at Red Bull arena. Hopefully NYCFC can draw in some European competition as well.

That should be the number 1 aim for the first game. There's no guarantee the first MLS game will be in NY so the club should invite major European opposition for the very first name. As long as its a big name then it shouldn't matter who it is. The only downside with that could be playing someone like Bayern (with the squad still getting used to each other) and they end up winning by 3 or 4 goals. The vast majority of fans should have the opportunity to attend the very first game. It shouldn't be at Disney or away to some non entity. Sure Philadelphia played their first ever game away from home and considering the strength of Sons of Ben I'm surprised they allowed that to happen
It was announced less than 24 hours ago that MCFC are going to play Melbourne Heart in a post-season friendly in May. Honestly I wouldn't be at all surprised if the various teams under the City Football Group aegis - however many that ends up being - all come together to play in a friendly mini-tournament every 1-2 seasons.

That said, I think it's fairly certain that NYCFC will try to attract a number of other top European clubs in the meantime. I can't see the City leadership trying to avoid the limelight in this respect - they're going to want to put their name about in as many ways as possible.
The timing on getting a major European club over here for NYCFC's first game is difficult. Unlike this RBNY/Arsenal match, the match with NYCFC would have to take place in the winter, when NYCFC will still be signing players to fill outs its squad. I do expect to see MCFC take numerous visits to NYC for matches with the club and other MLS sides.
I haven't watched MLS before, as a Brit, but I would like to get a better feel of the league before NYCFC starts, and I'd particularly like to watch Toronto and Seattle games. Does anyone know where I can catch then on TV in the UK?