Deleting An Account


Is there any way to delete my account? Not quite at that point yet, but as with all forums, the more people who join, the lower quality it becomes.

I just want to know if I have that option, if I decide to take it.
If you truly want to make that decision then you can send a request to an admin and we can delete your account, though of course we wouldn't be happy to lose you. Hopefully as the season draws closer things will get more focused and your issues will become less pressing.
Is there any way to delete my account? Not quite at that point yet, but as with all forums, the more people who join, the lower quality it becomes.

I just want to know if I have that option, if I decide to take it.
I am curious. Did something happen? I find the content here refreshing and informative.
I think you banned seeing all content from me (LOL), but you (and anyone else here) needs to give your head a serious wobble concerning deleting your a/c here.

"The more people who join"?
I am at a loss. If people don't join this place, it will die, simple as.
Additionally it is upto those here to make sure the content is of a good quality, this includes anyone thinking of leaving. One cannot expect others to up their game if one is not prepared to do it themselves.

When the season finally opens, this place will have so much to talk about, but if you ain't going to be here you'll miss it, and that won't be anyone's fault but your own. Wobble that head and get stuck in and get engaging content to be discussed amongst all.
Guys, if MBC wants to speak publicly about this he is of course welcome to, but please bear in mind that he has a right to keep this private if he wants to. It's likely that if he wanted to let everyone know why he was unhappy he would have put it in his original post.
how can get in touch with Dan - the Administrator? my question is about the the number of entries needed to qualify for the giveaways? Help Dan!
how can get in touch with Dan - the Administrator? my question is about the the number of entries needed to qualify for the giveaways? Help Dan!

What are you referring to specifically? The minimum number of posts needed to enter? (In which case, at the moment there is no minimum, but in future we will be adding one). Or are you referring to how many times you can enter one competition? (In which case, once per person per competition).

If you want to get someone's attention, by the way, you can tag them in a post. Just make a post anywhere on the forum, and somewhere in that message write their name with a @ sign before. So, for instance, if I wanted to tag you I would write @TabascoDiva somewhere in my message. Anyone who is tagged will be given an alert at the top of the screen, as you should have for the tag I just put in this post.
You can send a message as well. Click the name and select start conversation.
There is a 10 post minimum. Meaning you must make 10 posts outside of the competition entry post to qualify. This is to keep people from joint solely for joining competitions.