To answer the much earlier Q: I'm a 32 yo, born and raised in nyc, with a stint in baltimore, white-honky-cracker who loves hip hop. As stated earlier hip hop was born in the bronx. I don't know this modes character from anywhere, but I do agree/hope that we aren't blasting music throughout the game. That is obnoxious even if it is Tribe called quest. I am all for a mix of music (as stated in other threads I do love me some hardcore, and all kinds of music) but I am fully behind hip hop as long as it's not cheesy garbage hip hop. Boogie Down Productions: South Bronx, Lord Tariq and Peter Guns: Uptown Baby - perfect frikkin songs for a team playing in the bronx.
Side note- if we go all manchester music I hope for more joy division, a certain ratio, and new order ... just saying