English Premier League 2023/24

I legit don’t know what the answer is . I in theory don’t like teams being able to buy all the top players and dominate that way but I also don’t think the old system where the same old money teams pretty much dominated is any bettter.
The system should be no salary cap or a clearly defined cap or rule set.

The EPL instituted FFP rules under the guise of protecting smaller teams when it was actually a maneuver by historical clubs to curb the new money clubs. The issue is that instead of a true salary cap, they created a system to try and have their cake and eat it too - not setting a limit, but tying it to “proof” that revenue matched spending. The issue is that the rules are grey, and they underestimated accountants, or teams willing to find cracks in the system.

A further issue is that England can do all they want, but other national leagues have no obligation to follow (see, Real Madrid).

Do it. Or don’t do it. Playing the middle is not going to work.
My view on Man City has basically been as follows. Under the new ownership, they spent well beyond their means to become a "big club." Now that they are a big club, I don't think they are spending much beyond their means anymore. Their success is party due to economics, but mostly due to better overall system (talent evaluation, market savvy, coaching, academy, etc.). They don't spend more than the other big clubs, they spend smarter.
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Price to put your name on a jersey - $5M
Price to put your name on a stadium - $50M
Price to scroll your ad on sideline video boards - $1M
Washing your reputation squeaky clean - priceless
I don’t love what city are doing despite being a city fan but as has been pointed out elsewhere financial fair play as it stands is not actually about fairness in anyway but to protect the traditional aristocrat clubs like Man U, Arsenal , and Liverpool from new money clubs like city , Chelsea, and Newcastle .

“If the PL is truly concerned about the sustainability of clubs they should focus on debt not investment. In what other business would you be restricted on investing in order to achieve success? It’s only become an issue since certain clubs have been threatened by the growth of clubs like City, Chelsea and now Newcastle.”

A true salary cap would be the only “ fair “ solution .