Expansion Rumors Megathread

Dolan and the Knicks remind me of the Onion headline below.

Domino's Scientists Test Limits Of What Humans Will Eat

Actual conversation I had with a friend in freshman year of college, after he told me he was banned from ever returning to a certain bar.*

- Why did they ban you?
- I broke a pool cue.
- Were you in a fight?
- No.
- Was it an accident?
- No. Well, sort of. I didn't think it through.
- How did you break the pool cue?
- I wanted to see how far it would bend without breaking

* Yes I am old enough that you could drink legally at age 18.
There are a lot of broken Knicks fans out there -

but still fewer than I would have expected.

i still rock my cap...kinda sorta pleased that KP wont be traded ( my shirt wont be a retro now) but i feel he wont be happy at all with all the crap that happened....once his contract is up i dont think he re signs with Knicks
I'm not buying Sacramento getting an MLS slot. The collective league owners clearly don't want such a small media market as part of their asset mix. And yet I get constantly downvoted on r/MLS for saying so. Am I nuts or is that a reasonable analysis?

Honestly, I do agree with you. Sacramento is just a tool for MLS to say, "Hey Expansion Groups, get your shit together, otherwise we'll award the bid to Sacramento." They would want bigger markets and likely at this point more spread across the US (Another non-Flordia southeast team, Another midwest team).
I'm not buying Sacramento getting an MLS slot. The collective league owners clearly don't want such a small media market as part of their asset mix. And yet I get constantly downvoted on r/MLS for saying so. Am I nuts or is that a reasonable analysis?

there is a good fanbase though and that should help for something....that being said if columbus for example were bidding for an expansion they no way in hell get it.
there is a good fanbase though and that should help for something....that being said if columbus for example were bidding for an expansion they no way in hell get it.

It does appear Columbus have lost fans since FC Cincinnati have come onto the scene and FCC had 32,000 odd against chicago.

They might get into the expansion mix
I think Nashville has to be one of the favourites for expansion

There's only a few "Ready Markets" that actually have publicly discussed a relatively clean path toward a stadium: Sacramento, Phoenix, Cincinnati, Nashville, and Tampa.

Until I hear otherwise, I assume we will get four of those five Ready Markets this round. I think there are three "Key Markets" that would leapfrog this set of five if they pull a stadium from thin air: San Diego, St. Louis, and Detroit.

"Backup Markets" such as San Antonio and Raleigh are implied to have their plans in order, but they seem to have slipped down the list even without discounting for how quiet they have been. The "Dead Markets" of Indianapolis and Charlotte have no stadium plans and no guarantee of getting in even with a stadium plan.

The 29-32 round, which is surely to come around the 2026 World Cup, if not sooner, will likely give the Key Markets a second chance.