I feel like you can get a weird mix though. Many of the people I know who have relocated from NY to Miami are still Yankees fans but switched over to the Dolphins/ Heat
Its not hard to give up on the Knicks though.
I feel like you can get a weird mix though. Many of the people I know who have relocated from NY to Miami are still Yankees fans but switched over to the Dolphins/ Heat
Its not hard to give up on the Knicks though.
Its not hard to give up on the Knicks though.
I gave up on the Jets this year. If the Knicks trade Porzingis I'm done.I feel like you can get a weird mix though. Many of the people I know who have relocated from NY to Miami are still Yankees fans but switched over to the Dolphins/ Heat
If the Knicks trade Porzingis I'm done.
Actual conversation I had with a friend in freshman year of college, after he told me he was banned from ever returning to a certain bar.*Dolan and the Knicks remind me of the Onion headline below.
Domino's Scientists Test Limits Of What Humans Will Eat
There are a lot of broken Knicks fans out there -
but still fewer than I would have expected.
MLS expansion race began with 12, but will enough viable bids even emerge?
I'm not buying Sacramento getting an MLS slot. The collective league owners clearly don't want such a small media market as part of their asset mix. And yet I get constantly downvoted on r/MLS for saying so. Am I nuts or is that a reasonable analysis?
I'm not buying Sacramento getting an MLS slot. The collective league owners clearly don't want such a small media market as part of their asset mix. And yet I get constantly downvoted on r/MLS for saying so. Am I nuts or is that a reasonable analysis?
there is a good fanbase though and that should help for something....that being said if columbus for example were bidding for an expansion they no way in hell get it.
I think Nashville has to be one of the favourites for expansion
Trademark filed for Detroit City SC by MLS expansion group