Facey's Loan Extended To The End Of The Year, Says Post

Wait until he misses one tackle and everyone is back to throwing him to the wolves lol. I loved him since pre season. He couldn't handle playing as a wing back , that was obvious. Now that he's back to his normal position of CB, he's on point. He can stay as long as he likes in my book. I just hate when people rant about players after a few bad matches. Theres no player who is perfect 100% of the time. Look at all the heat about RJ Allen and now after Toronto , everyone loves him. I think he played amazing and has been doing good in past matches. Now imagine if he was with the team since day one and had full first team experience. He was on and off with them and coaching a youth league. I say give him the chances he needs and see if he could even play as a CDM. He's got pace and crosses , we need that. His ground passing could use some polishing but thats nothing a few more hours on the training pitch cant fix. I cant wait to see what Angelino brings to the table. I love the young, underdog players !
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It makes sense for him and Angelino to stay under they're ready to be in the premier league. MLS is definitely a higher quality of football than the English academies.
Wait until he misses one tackle and everyone is back to throwing him to the wolves lol. I loved him since pre season. He couldn't handle playing as a wing back , that was obvious. Now that he's back to his normal position of CB, he's on point. He can stay as long as he likes in my book. I just hate when people rant about players after a few bad matches. Theres no player who is perfect 100% of the time. Look at all the heat about RJ Allen and now after Toronto , everyone loves him. I think he played amazing and has been doing good in past matches. Now imagine if he was with the team since day one and had full first team experience. He was on and off with them and coaching a youth league. I say give him the chances he needs and see if he could even play as a CDM. He's got pace and crosses , we need that. His ground passing could use some polishing but thats nothing a few more hours on the training pitch cant fix. I cant wait to see what Angelino brings to the table. I love the young, underdog players !
Dude, RJ Allen at CDM?
If we got Facey on a permanent it would be huge IMO. In it's own way as big a deal as getting impressive DP's. If we could set a precedent for this sort of thing. Players from Man City's academy that are quite good but not quite good enough for a big spending Champion's league team seeing us as a legit long term destination and not just a a quick pit stop...
The problem with Facey, if I were him, is the lack of options in signing an MLS deal.

You probably have to really bump up his wages to convince him to stay. In Europe, I think he woudl have more mobility.

I have no clue what he makes now - let's say it's 100k. I think we all would easily sign up to double that salary.
Wait until he misses one tackle and everyone is back to throwing him to the wolves lol. I loved him since pre season. He couldn't handle playing as a wing back , that was obvious. Now that he's back to his normal position of CB, he's on point. He can stay as long as he likes in my book. I just hate when people rant about players after a few bad matches. Theres no player who is perfect 100% of the time. Look at all the heat about RJ Allen and now after Toronto , everyone loves him. I think he played amazing and has been doing good in past matches. Now imagine if he was with the team since day one and had full first team experience. He was on and off with them and coaching a youth league. I say give him the chances he needs and see if he could even play as a CDM. He's got pace and crosses , we need that. His ground passing could use some polishing but thats nothing a few more hours on the training pitch cant fix. I cant wait to see what Angelino brings to the table. I love the young, underdog players !

I agree that some in the fan base tend to over react, glad Facey is here a bit longer. Not sure I agree with your RJ Allen acessment. I do think he has done some things well including crosses. My concern with Allen is all the grabbing a pushing he does while defending. I think he is a liability for a card or an ejection depending on how the ref calls the game. Putting him at CDM would compound the risk as he wouldn't have the sideline to work with and he would be even more exposed.
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The problem with Facey, if I were him, is the lack of options in signing an MLS deal.

You probably have to really bump up his wages to convince him to stay. In Europe, I think he woudl have more mobility.

I have no clue what he makes now - let's say it's 100k. I think we all would easily sign up to double that salary.

While I agree with your sentiment, I think you'll find City's academy players - in fact, most Premier League academy players - are earning a significant amount more than 100k. Think closer to a million.
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While I agree with your sentiment, I think you'll find City's academy players - in fact, most Premier League academy players - are earning a significant amount more than 100k. Think closer to a million.

Then the loan could not work. His cost hits our cap number.
While I agree with your sentiment, I think you'll find City's academy players - in fact, most Premier League academy players - are earning a significant amount more than 100k. Think closer to a million.
So how are we taking him on loan at a less than DP price? along with Angelino. GarberBucks are magical, but not that magical
I'd go so far as to wonder if its a new league-wide rule that clubs with the same owners can share up to 4 academy players with a limited hit towards salary cap?

Remember how Reyna tossed it out there way back when? Would CFG really come up with the number 4 on its own? Seems a bit unnecessary for them.

Maybe they struck this agreement and are keeping it hush-hush so as not to anger the fanbases of smaller clubs without duel ownership?

Not likely but certainly possible in MLS. Lol
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I'd go so far as to wonder if its a new league-wide rule that clubs with the same owners can share up to 4 academy players with a limited hit towards salary cap?

Remember how Reyna tossed it out there way back when? Would CFG really come up with the number 4 on its own? Seems a bit unnecessary for them.

Maybe they struck this agreement and are keeping it hush-hush so as not to anger the fanbases of smaller clubs without duel ownership?

Not likely but certainly possible in MLS. Lol
Yeah, I remember thinking when he claimed that, that CFG had negotiated some rule with Garber that allowed us to bring in 4 MCFC youngsters while somehow avoiding most of the rules regarding transfers. I mean, don't MLS rules technically say that loanees have to go through the allocation/discovery etc system, thus leading to examples in the past of clubs arranging a loan with one club only for another team out of nowhere to seize control of the loan deal, much to the anger of the parent club? We don't seem to have had any issues with that so far.
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Dude, RJ Allen at CDM?
I read that post and thought, "and people think I drink and post?"

He actually was able post 8-10 full sentences about how good he thinks RJ Allen is. We are not going to be friends. Unless he's taking the piss. In which case, well done.
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I agree that some in the fan base tend to over react, glad Facey is here a bit longer. Not sure I agree with your RJ Allen acessment. I do think he has done some things well including crosses. My concern with Allen is all the grabbing a pushing he does while defending. I think he is a liability for a card or an ejection depending on how the ref calls the game. Putting him at CDM would compound the risk as he wouldn't have the sideline to work with and he would be even more exposed.
^^ I, for one, still can't stand RJ Allen. He plays dirty, trashy, whatever you'd like to call it. Yes he has skill with the ball and yes we have players that are slower and less useful than him, but all his grabbing and pushing and instigating is a huge liability for the team - plus it just makes us look bad. I could be wrong here but isn't he the ONLY player we've had ejected? We've got enough issues to address without his antics.

I would love to keep Facey though. Seriously. Can we keep him?
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