Fifa 16

What sliders to you guys use? I think the game is unplayable without tweaking a few things, I've put the passing speed down to 40, opposition passing error up to 60 and also goalkeeping error up to 60, makes the game far more enjoyable IMO.
I don't think any of the preset tactics are very good but I'm still building my squad and haven't figured out what adjustments to make.

Also, I recently traded up from PS3 to PS4. Is there a way to permanently store a custom tactic, and better yet, to set it as one of the options accessible from the arrow menu?

And if anyone wants to play FUT, send me a PM
Was playing FUT last night and got paired with a guy who saw my NYCFC jersey and logo in the game screen and promptly switched to his alternate jersey which was an OSC kit. I was up 5-1 at the 74' when he quit. Made me super happy. With the playoffs pretty much out of reach in real life I will have to resort to getting my fix of soccer joy in minor virtual victories.
What sliders to you guys use? I think the game is unplayable without tweaking a few things, I've put the passing speed down to 40, opposition passing error up to 60 and also goalkeeping error up to 60, makes the game far more enjoyable IMO.
I never change the sliders. I'm afraid that I'll ruin the gameplay if I mess with them.