General MLS Discussion

So they updated the website.
I like some of the update, don't like some of the update. can't complain, I guess. Old website wasn't the best either
My first reaction is they managed to be both clean and too busy at the same time. I might think better of it after living with it for a bit. That's often how it goes.
As an old, I find it interesting how we've come full circle on web design. From Mostly text on a white background to over-designed with large pictures on dark backgrounds, back to mostly text on a white background.

Fortunately, <blink> doesn't seem to have made a comeback.
My first reaction is they managed to be both clean and too busy at the same time. I might think better of it after living with it for a bit. That's often how it goes.
I was thinking the same thing. To me, it's a bit too busy on the homepage, makes it a lot harder to navigate. However, "Video" is a LOT better, instead of showing like 4 at a time, it gives a whole list, so you don't have to scroll and wait like 10 seconds before the new videos populate.

Also, and this one has always been a gripe for me so I'm glad they FINALLY fixed it, we actually have bigger logos and names for the club list (though now it's at the bottom):
Just noticed the redesigned website has no form guide. If that's not temporary, they just got rid of a tool I used for probably 30-50% of the facts I spout here and reduced the value of the website to me by at least that much. Also makes me much less likely to visit the site.
Yeah my Rebull /Metro supporting buddy was irked by that.

apparently RB has the metrostars rights? lol wow. i dont think its hurts them having their metrostars colors as an away jersey. They would of made good money in that im sure. but whatever.