Hearts Of Oak

Yes that's it but it's not TR. The only connection to TR is that BH - who is Director of Game Day Logistics st TR http://www.thirdrail.nyc/board-of-directors/ - is the mod, and when TR announced that it was closing its primary FB page, he posted in the TR FB page an invitation to come join his group. Which again, is not a TR group. It's a BH group open to anyone except them who BH decides to ban.
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I think the flashpoint in all of this is the portion of Bullet 5 on the Membership Application that states, "we ask that you no longer participate in other Supporter Group functions". To me, that feels a bit divisive IF I'm interpreting it correctly.

One thing that should be considered, the application that was leaked wasn't meant to be a rule book for the world to see. Just a basic "this is what we're about - if you're still interested, please read on". But then the internet happened. We are currently revising and rewording a few points to resemble something more of an official SG document.
One thing that should be considered, the application that was leaked wasn't meant to be a rule book for the world to see. Just a basic "this is what we're about - if you're still interested, please read on". But then the internet happened. We are currently revising and rewording a few points to resemble something more of an official SG document.
understood. Nonetheless, it's all made for great banter. As they say, no such thing as bad publicity!
man there are already supporter rivalries and the regular season has yet to even start.
It's also important to note that there weren't any digs intended at Third Rail.

There's a growing trend of massive SGs with huge numbers, yet there is still an attendance issue in MLS. Our goal is to build support, through a strong foundation and grow from there.

That's what the statement about merchandise was about. If the Third Rail members take that personally, it's a shame. That has nothing to do with what we're about.
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That's the group. It just opened recently. TR announced that they were going to close their FB group when they open their forum. Then they announced they were starting this new FB group which would be "Closed" but open to anyone, not just TR members. And to be clear, "Closed" in this context means what FB says it means, only members can post or see posts. It was supposed to be open to anyone who wanted to join. But almost immediately they banned the HOO folks. I don't know everyone who runs it or if they are all TR people, but Billy Howell, who is TR, took "credit" for banning the HO people.
that page has actually been around for a long time, billy and I made the page like the day nycfc was announced, its grown ever since, it was never third rail page although we were thinking about it for sometime but then realized it would be a pain in the ass to keep only third rail members in there because there was already like 1500 people in there at that time so we made the third rail page and kept the nycfc supporters page as just a general group where all fans of the club can come and talk about whatever. because people knew i was on the third rail board i removed myself of as an admin on that page and now its only billy
It's also important to note that there weren't any digs intended at Third Rail.

There's a growing trend of massive SGs with huge numbers, yet there is still an attendance issue in MLS. Our goal is to build support, through a strong foundation and grow from there.

That's what the statement about merchandise was about. If the Third Rail members take that personally, it's a shame. That has nothing to do with what we're about.

As a former season ticket holder of Houston Dynamo I can say attendance was atrocious. I don't know where they get their attendance numbers from but they are bogus. Stadium half full but attendance claiming 90% capacity. Perhaps they have SO many company season tickets and they just don't go. I've spent time with folks from all the SG's in Houston and they ALL get along and stand together, tailgate together and represent as FANS of the SAME team.

I also was a season ticket holder with the Cosmos as a part of the reboot and I can say this: SG's were in full effect way before there was a team in existence, most of whom weren't even alive when the OG Cosmos were playing(unlike me who went to games as a young kid) so I'm not sure why they got involved with the bashing. In addition aside from the inaugural game when the stands were packed, it was like a pick-up game most weeks with no more than 2-3K in the stands.
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Having watched MLS for eight years now, I can say with certainty that there is absolutely no attendance issue in MLS. An attendance issue was what Chivas USA had, only back them that was the norm rather than the exception. I am not sure how a SG that aspires to 100 members in the near term hopes to impact MLS attendance in any meaningful way. SGs really aren't made for boosting attendance, even the largest are less than a quarter of capacity.

And to harp on the merchandise line again, it really doesn't need to be there. Organizations should avoid defining themselves by what they are not rather than what they are. The merchandise bit logically refers to TR and implies that their members joined for the S.W.A.G. Which offends members, like myself, who joined to contribute to the club, build relationships and all the other SG good stuff.
I don't think the merchandise line was meant for TR members, just supporters in general who join an SG to get a scarf... any SG, any team.

For example, I was a member of Viking Army, but if I really liked an ESC scarf that year, I'd pay the dues to get one. Not saying a lot of people do this, but I'm sure there are others.
Having watched MLS for eight years now, I can say with certainty that there is absolutely no attendance issue in MLS. An attendance issue was what Chivas USA had, only back them that was the norm rather than the exception. I am not sure how a SG that aspires to 100 members in the near term hopes to impact MLS attendance in any meaningful way. SGs really aren't made for boosting attendance, even the largest are less than a quarter of capacity.

And to harp on the merchandise line again, it really doesn't need to be there. Organizations should avoid defining themselves by what they are not rather than what they are. The merchandise bit logically refers to TR and implies that their members joined for the S.W.A.G. Which offends members, like myself, who joined to contribute to the club, build relationships and all the other SG good stuff.

There's actually a significant attendance issue in MLS.

But more to the point, we're building our support a little bit differently. It's a result of discussing the issues with our current membership, and deciding as a whole. Hearts of Oak acts entirely on behalf of the membership. We want to build long-lasting support.

There's no targeting of the Third Rail intended. The Third Rail has 1700 members. We can't do that. We gain nothing from implying anything toward them (or you) as fellow supporters of NYCFC.

Having said all of that, if you don't like our plan or our message, you don't have to. You're not a member. Our rules don't apply to you. There's plenty of supporters who don't like the mission of other SGs. Choices are perfectly healthy for the support of a club, especially a particularly new fan base.

We can't wait to see what 1,000+ supporters can show in the bleachers next to us.
I'm not going to bash anyone but I will say this, that as a new member I looked at the different SG's in order to join one. I've followed MLS for many years while living outside of NY and even though I enjoyed rooting for different teams it was never home so I never felt the urge to join an SG. When NYCFC came into the picture and a relocation back to NYC became reality, things changed. I instantly felt connected. So in my search I looked at the different groups and social clubs and while I was thumbing through pages that a person looking to join a group would look at, the first post of the first page I opened is: PIC OF SCARF? And that was when I knew I was looking for something different.

P.S. I enjoy SWAG as much as the next guy, maybe more. I have tons of Dynamo and Cosmos gear both free and paid for.
Whoa just took a look at Twitter, loads of comments have been made about this group even people from portland and others from SKC. I see this group has gotten attention, but then again i feel its because its linked to nycfc and everyone is out there wanting to criticize anything related to nycfc. Support/FO/ media................and yea i guess players on the field these games but no one cares about that it seems.

if something like this was done in like colorado rapids, zero f**ks would be given.
There's actually a significant attendance issue in MLS.

But more to the point, we're building our support a little bit differently. It's a result of discussing the issues with our current membership, and deciding as a whole. Hearts of Oak acts entirely on behalf of the membership. We want to build long-lasting support.

There's no targeting of the Third Rail intended. The Third Rail has 1700 members. We can't do that. We gain nothing from implying anything toward them (or you) as fellow supporters of NYCFC.

Having said all of that, if you don't like our plan or our message, you don't have to. You're not a member. Our rules don't apply to you. There's plenty of supporters who don't like the mission of other SGs. Choices are perfectly healthy for the support of a club, especially a particularly new fan base.

We can't wait to see what 1,000+ supporters can show in the bleachers next to us.
Like I said earlier, I have no problem with what you guys are looking to do. I was just trying to explain why there was a shitstorm. Whether the implication was intended or not, it was there and people reacted as they did. I think you guys have done well to manage the explosion.

I don't disagree with choice in SGs, it's perfectly valid. I will say that my personal, likely irrational desire is for one, unified SG. Many small SGs wouldn't be able to accomplish what one big one could and the talent split into many would not reach the same potential as the talent grouped into one. But I recognize that this desire is an unreasonable one. Just a wish...
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Really don't feel like retuning so I'm pasting my response to a post on FB.
I'm glad that the members here are much more civil and understanding of a groups choice to set their own bylaws to bring in supporters that they're specifically looking for. It's obviously not for everyone. Just respect that and walk away if it's not for you.

Maybe because he was called out for no reason whatsoever and 200+ replies later it's still going on? Honestly the NYCFC supporter culture sucks right now. Everyone wants to be 1st on everything and the best SG the best this and that. This group (HoO) is a private group. Before I start let me say this. They've had a post up on the forums for a week and while people were asking questions everyone was respectful and every single question was answered. Multiple users emailed and inquired about joining. None of them came here or anywhere for that matter and posted their private application for all to see. Because they realized it either isn't for them or were respectful enough, even if they found it odd, to not call them out on their decision.
Again, this is a private group which didn't come here and advertise. Didn't shove anything down your throats and is clearly a close knit group geared towards brotherhood and commeradery. You basically have to know someone in it to join.
For those shitting on them for not wanting part in any other SG. That's not true either. Clearly shown in the picture is another SG saying they appreciate what HoO is about and want to share a beer.
Quit worrying about what other people who you have zero interest in are doing and support this team in a way that's unique to you. However you choose to do it.
Like I said earlier, I have no problem with what you guys are looking to do. I was just trying to explain why there was a shitstorm. Whether the implication was intended or not, it was there and people reacted as they did. I think you guys have done well to manage the explosion.

I don't disagree with choice in SGs, it's perfectly valid. I will say that my personal, likely irrational desire is for one, unified SG. Many small SGs wouldn't be able to accomplish what one big one could and the talent split into many would not reach the same potential as the talent grouped into one. But I recognize that this desire is an unreasonable one. Just a wish...

I'm still TR (though very turned off right now by behavior of BH, maybe I'll be banned too for saying that). But I feel that it's TRs large number that is making it untenable. A large SG like AO works because it's actually made up of many smaller chapters that get together for larger events. When something is so large there is little accountability for bad behavior, it's not like the other 1,700 people really know you or might even remember you. If your in a group of 20 or so that show up to the same bar all the time, you might not get too drunk or start a fight, or act like a dick online to fellow members.

Just conjecture, but I feel that might be what HoO's questionare and smaller numbers are about. But I'll let them explain better if they care to.