Allow me a moment to vent.Not a celebrity as such but I listen to TalkSport on SiriusXM and they have a reporter in the States for Saturday's match and he is then going to Seattle. TalkSport is a talk sports radio station out of London. His trip is being sponsored by MLS themselves. He is doing a report on the MLS in general but he/they are very keen to see NYCFC/LAG. Interviews with Lampard, Pirlo, Gerrard, etc. Even mentioned it was a star powered match AND in YS. Interested to hear his take on it next week.
There are GREAT reporters out there that cover the team and MLS but we still feel the need to reach out to overseas people? Fuck, give EoS a scoop, throw a bone to Ives Galarcep, get Grant Wahl to cover the game for SI, not to mention the dozens of smaller shops that do this. These guys are trying to make a living, cover this team every day and get little to no love from the team.
Meanwhile the team's communications people salivate over having English press cover them. Your fans are New Yorkers. Stop trying to sell the team in London and Manchester and sell it in the NYC region.
You know how you can sell the league internationally? By getting Americans hyped up and excited about it, by having full stadiums. I'm glad they have AM New York doing a paragraph sized column on each player throughout the season but that's not nearly enough. Let the Daily News, NY Post and Newsday get interviews with these guys.
Let the players go on Podcasts. Villa is an incredible person and hardly anyone in NYC knows the man, get his god damn story out there ffs.