Home 08/20 Galaxy

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Spoke too soon. They seem to be Liverpool fans in costume based on their Gerrard song(s).

I regret not getting on the car with the mariachis.
Interesting lineup. Surprised that Allen is not there on the right, but he has been poor the last couple of games. To me, the problem with our fullback lineup when Matarrita was hurt was only slightly that Hernandez lacked an offensive threat at RB than that Allen was just not good enough at LB. So, while I would prefer to have Allen at RB, I don't think it is a huge difference. Having Mata back at LB, however, is.

Also note that we only have one midfielder on the bench and it is Bravo. If we need to sub for Pirlo or I❤️Lamp, we will need to put a forward there.

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