Jorge Teixeira Deal Finalized?

Don't know why you'd go to a team that very well may be playing in League One next year unless it was for a quick contract and the money was too good to pass up.
i guess hoping that if they go down some other champioship side picks him up? its 3.5 years so maybe charlton hope to get some money as well if they do go down too.
Jose Riga sounds Portuguese ish to me. Can you confirm Q-Report ?
I guess he feels "safer" with a Portuguese coach closer to home. Or maybe it's a last minute leverage tactic to get more out of us.
Either way
strange that we've been following this for weeks, we knew about flamencos interest and how they shifted gears, we have confirmation from multiple fronts that the negotiations went smoothly and a personal friend who said he was excited to come to NYC and the deal was all but signed. Then some random twitter guy posts something about Charlton of all places, a bunch of other random news sites parrot that claim with no new information, and he's gone.
Sounds very familiar to the Pirlo drama. I am going to say we still sign him, and this is all BS.
strange that we've been following this for weeks, we knew about flamencos interest and how they shifted gears, we have confirmation from multiple fronts that the negotiations went smoothly and a personal friend who said he was excited to come to NYC and the deal was all but signed. Then some random twitter guy posts something about Charlton of all places, a bunch of other random news sites parrot that claim with no new information, and he's gone.
Sounds very familiar to the Pirlo drama. I am going to say we still sign him, and this is all BS.

Idk, I think it's reasonably likely that his old coach, now at Charlton and in a relegation battle, heard that Teixeira was moving to MLS and intervened. In the 2 weeks while we sat and waiting for Standard to complete their incoming transfer, his old coach called him and talked him into joining them instead for a slightly higher wage. Bad business by Standard, or the reports we were getting were just too confident.
strange that we've been following this for weeks, we knew about flamencos interest and how they shifted gears, we have confirmation from multiple fronts that the negotiations went smoothly and a personal friend who said he was excited to come to NYC and the deal was all but signed. Then some random twitter guy posts something about Charlton of all places, a bunch of other random news sites parrot that claim with no new information, and he's gone.
Sounds very familiar to the Pirlo drama. I am going to say we still sign him, and this is all BS.
It's honestly a huge shock. As of Saturday everything was set for a move to NYC. This has come out of nowhere.
Don't know why you'd go to a team that very well may be playing in League One next year unless it was for a quick contract and the money was too good to pass up.
From what I've seen after doing a quick twitter search is that none of the breaking sources on it have confirmed that it's a done deal, just that it's "close" - and "close" means nothing in the twitter world. So maybe it will happen and he goes to Charlton, and maybe this is just a last minute ploy by his agent to squeeze a few extra bucks out of NYCFC. It is quite surprising with the NYCFC deal reportedly done with smooth negotiations, that the Charlton rumor heats up out of nowhere considering they're a club barely hanging on to the Championship and it's for 3.5 years - that's a long time (possible 3 years) to be in League 1 if they go down.

If he goes, he goes, and I will relish Charlton getting stuck in the 3rd division for his entire contract..... hopefully this is just subterfuge and on Tuesday there's an announcement he transferred to the good guys.
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I'm sure the Charlton area is lovely.

Charlton is in Greenwich, which is one of the posh areas of London, so it's pretty lovely in all honesty.

Disappointing news, though as others have said it's not decided until it's announced by the club. Just interested to see how the club responds to this.
Nothing is final... Window doesn't open till 02/22 if I remember correctly so these deals are not done.

February 18 but this seems like an important and overlooked point. Will we even get announcements before this date? I don't really understand the transfer certificate stuff
February 18 but this seems like an important and overlooked point. Will we even get announcements before this date? I don't really understand the transfer certificate stuff
I think, but can't confirm, that a contract can be agreed to/completed prior to the transfer window, however the actual transfer of FIFA certificate does not take place until the window of the recipient opens.
Just got off work and saw the news. Gut-wrenching.

However, if these reports are true, it's important that we move on from this, just like the the FO will. There's no denying Teixeria's talent. He would've been a great fit in the heart of our defense. However, the world is full of talented players and I'm putting my money on that the FO has already begun preparations for new potential targets for NYC.

My greatest fear is that the FO will make a "panic" decision and sign a player that doesn't fit the culture and vision of the team. However, ever since PV and his staff were brought on board, I can see the patience in their decision making. PV and Reyna has a vision for this team, something that was blurred last season. I can say for certainty that they'll look to improve our team. If it's not Teixeria, it'll be someone else.

We still have time. The offseason isn't over tomorrow. We'll be linked to players soon...perhaps they'll potentially be an even greater fit for our team than Teixeria.
The owner of Charlton also has an ownership interest in Standard Leige. He has brought in multiple players and at least one other manager from Leige before.