Mikkel "Mix" Diskerud [Midfielder]

I guess his club form has been uninspiring, even if we allege that it's because he is being played out of position.

I'm actually hoping it creates a conflict that resolves in our favour — if he realizes that he needs to play in his best position for his club to remain in the squad for his country, he may become more insistent and we'll get to see him where (it seems) he belongs. On the flip side, it could result in his departure.
“Every time you have to cut down a roster like now from 35 to 23," Klinsmann said, "there are some players that do not make it and it looks like they are not good enough, which is not the case. The competition is very, very tight. Not having Omar Gonzalez or Mix Diskerud on this roster, for example, is not because they are not good enough, it’s just because you see another player that is better in their position right now in this specific moment. Those are always tough decisions that a coach has to make, and we believe everyone in that roster will get the job done and the other ones are there to support."

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Part of paying Mix 4th DP money, or whatever you want to call the new rule that we don't even qualify for yet, is the value of marketing him as a USMNT player. Without a true position for him on the pitch and his uninspired play this season, this feels like it's the nail in the coffin for his departure in the off season. The question then becomes, what USMNT regular do you replace him with?
I thought Mix played much better than Bedoya and Jones, but it was really Beckermann who took his place since Williams was the the roster last time.
Yeah it was Beckerman most of the “young guys” are being left out for the old guys the were supposed to replace with is BS cause Mix isn't a CDM . Beckerman is, but Mix can play that role and look for him to transition to that for another year under Kreis and playing with Pirlo.
Yeah it was Beckerman most of the “young guys” are being left out for the old guys the were supposed to replace with is BS cause Mix isn't a CDM . Beckerman is, but Mix can play that role and look for him to transition to that for another year under Kreis and playing with Pirlo.
I hope so
Part of paying Mix 4th DP money, or whatever you want to call the new rule that we don't even qualify for yet, is the value of marketing him as a USMNT player. Without a true position for him on the pitch and his uninspired play this season, this feels like it's the nail in the coffin for his departure in the off season. The question then becomes, what USMNT regular do you replace him with?

Yes, because this overhead pass that opened up the DC defense was not inspired play at all.

The question then becomes, what USMNT regular do you replace him with?

I do not want NYCFC to replace Mix, but I'd love to get Danny Williams. He's not exactly a "USMNT regular" yet but I think he will be very soon.