After the goal celebration, Callens alone walks with Taty. Take a look at the numbers.Yeah. I'm no expert at soccer tactics but:
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It looks like he's aiming for there, as in the moment before this isi signals and you can see taty looking at that direction.
...But then Taty makes two mistakes:
1. He fails to hit it in the general trajectory of my red line
2. He hits it WAY too fast for Isi to even come CLOSE to touching the ball (By the time the ball hits hagglund, isi isn't even in the 8 yard box):
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The fact he hit it so hard is the only reason I think he might have been going for a shot. But it just doesn't make any sense from every other angle I look at it.
...It's fun to be able to talk about something as useless as whether or not Taty meant to shoot that. Happy for the season to be back!
17! Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
Coincidence? I don’t think so. Smarten up people.