Mls CBA 2015 Thread

25/6 would be better than I'm expecting so I'd say that'd be great.

If the owners are smart, they'd agree to this because this would definitely incentivize some guys to stay.
SportsCenter was chatting about this earlier. They made it sound more dire than I think it is -- probably just to drum up interest and keep people watching.

Either way, I was just happy to see MLS get more attention on the mothership.
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We made SC!!!
“We’re not naïve,” Boswell said. “We knew going into this that every [U.S. sports] league that has won free agency has won it through a work stoppage. We’re hoping to be that outlier. (WaPo: MLS labor talks enter late stage)
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Lalas tweeted "there is hope" which means at least as far as he has heard they are still working on this.
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Looks like they're finally coming to some type of agreement. I haven't been looking at all the specifics until today really as I was sure this was going down to the wire. There's been such little mention of it from the league and so much grandstanding with the historic 20th season that they know they can't afford to have a false start.

Either way, the signs are encouraging and free agency looks to come in some form, glad they're getting the years down on that, it only makes sense and I like the way they are slowly introducing free agency into the league, seems like a win-win. The owners know it won't last forever though and any concessions made can never be given back. All very interesting stuff, especially compared to other leagues around the country and world for that matter.