Mls CBA 2015 Thread

Looks like Orlando gave away all those free tickets for nothing because it looks like a strike is coming
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It could be anything. No use speculating if you're not in the room. This will likely go all night...provided the other side actually come back.
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Ouch. Already? I honestly thought they had till Thursday night. I mean if try strike now, when will they come back to negotiate ? Next week?
Yup, but I'm going to call it a night I hope we have some good mews in the morning.
Honestly it want the season but if a strike is needed then fuck it. So be it.
I felt a strike wouldn't happen because I felt the players would be hurt way too much and their wallets would be hurting. They had too much to lose if they went with a strike
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Any hockey fans here getting the same feeling we got in 2012? Ugh. This is terrible.
I still don't think it will happen here. Though I read on twitter that the CBA being negotiated is for 8 years? Isint that waaaaay to long for a CBA?
I still don't think it will happen here. Though I read on twitter that the CBA being negotiated is for 8 years? Isint that waaaaay to long for a CBA?
TV contract runs out in 8 years, so maybe these two things are connected. It is a long time though.
CFG didn't pay $100m to have MLS ruin NYCFC's debut! They can do that without any help (j/k)

MLS is basically telling 100k new fans to go take a hike. (65k for OCSC's opener and hopefully 35k for ours)

This business model they are defending is really working out. :rolleyes: So depressing...

I have to admit I did have a suspicion that, considering what their background is, NYCFC probably is the voice in the owner's room arguing FOR free agency and higher salaries. I know that in Australia, CFG has been trying to open the competition up since they joined the league. I can see us being quite happy to bend over backwards for the players if it means no strike in our first year.
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