Mls CBA 2015 Thread

I think the point of the Super DP slot is to entice more of the fringe USMNT players as an example. Mix will make more than 375k. So would Klejstan and so did Edu.

Right now it doesn't really matter if you pay those guys 400k or 4 Million. It counts all the same.

Look at Zusi and Besler. They are DPs. Bradley Wright Phillips. Those guys are worth more than 387k but they're not Kaka either.

I think this is a great idea and could be a nice tool to enhance the quality of the player pool
Oh I am not saying its a bad idea at all, far from it. I think it could work. Have 2-3 "Extreme" DP slots. Your Gerrards, your Villas, your future Messi. Then have this "Bargain" DP. Maybe it hits less against the cap or something. Great idea.

What I am arguing is that the Players Union won't like it. Sure it might make teams better, maybe some teams will actually spend money on players. But the Union cares about the players right now, not the USMNT who might get lured back with this creative accounting. They want the Ned Grabavoys and Troy Dunivants, the Brad Evans. They want them to make more, and the veteran benchwarmers to make more than a league minimum of 42k or whatever it currently is. Thats and Free Agency is what they care about.

Just seems like a big fight waiting to happen.
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This is the problem for the Union - where else can they go play? They can't get European work permits so they can't go play for Yeovil Town or Leeds.
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Oh I am not saying its a bad idea at all, far from it. I think it could work. Have 2-3 "Extreme" DP slots. Your Gerrards, your Villas, your future Messi. Then have this "Bargain" DP. Maybe it hits less against the cap or something. Great idea.

What I am arguing is that the Players Union won't like it. Sure it might make teams better, maybe some teams will actually spend money on players. But the Union cares about the players right now, not the USMNT who might get lured back with this creative accounting. They want the Ned Grabavoys and Troy Dunivants, the Brad Evans. They want them to make more, and the veteran benchwarmers to make more than a league minimum of 42k or whatever it currently is. Thats and Free Agency is what they care about.

Just seems like a big fight waiting to happen.

yes but the bar they are setting is still to low the players should hold out for more money. This doesn't fix having up 10 players on a (the rapids) making $40-$60k. MLS can afford to have base be at $100k. Low tier players be $375k, mids START $750k and the stars or true DPs be around the 5 million mark or higher.
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Face it, there are 20 teams now with ~ 30 players each. That's 600 spots. How many of those 600 should be playing in the NASL or USL? 1/3 of them? Maybe 1/2?

Having a salary cap doesn't bother me. I think it's helped in the NFL and NBA somewhat for those teams that can navigate it well. It's good for the health of the league.

But until there is a better talent base here in the USA to choose from, you need to add silly rules like the DP, allocation money and now Super DPs.
yes but the bar they are setting is still to low the players should hold out for more money. This doesn't fix having up 10 players on a (the rapids) making $40-$60k. MLS can afford to have base be at $100k. Low tier players be $375k, mids START $750k and the stars or true DPs be around the 5 million mark or higher.
They aren't going from 48k to 375k in this CBA. Maybe not even in the next one.
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Face it, there are 20 teams now with ~ 30 players each. That's 600 spots. How many of those 600 should be playing in the NASL or USL? 1/3 of them? Maybe 1/2?

Having a salary cap doesn't bother me. I think it's helped in the NFL and NBA somewhat for those teams that can navigate it well. It's good for the health of the league.

But until there is a better talent base here in the USA to choose from, you need to add silly rules like the DP, allocation money and now Super DPs.
Arent the DPs now the Super DPs and the Super DPs really Discount DPs? All very confusing.
Arent the DPs now the Super DPs and the Super DPs really Discount DPs? All very confusing.

Yes. You are right. But we're not the ones titling it. They should just call them something else beyond XXX Designated Player. Call them Supplemental Cap Players or something.
The thing I always questioned about the MLS salary system (and don't get me wrong - I agree the cap is too low etc) is that there are squads of 30 players. That's just far too many IMO. I know ten of them are for younger players and you can't just draft in players from your academy at whatever time you feel like like you can everywhere else in the world, but even then, very few places have squads so large. In Europe, for example, most teams will use roughly 25 players in a season, perhaps even fewer, and these are teams which may play in excess of 60 games per season. For a country where the fewest games you can play is 34 and the absolute maximum is 45 (if you won the Open Cup and played every round of the Play-offs) you really don't need that many players in your squad.

That in itself would reduce some of the budgeting issues.
Which is why I would to see a players going to the MLS' usl-pro team till they need to be "called-up" like in Baseball.
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The thing I always questioned about the MLS salary system (and don't get me wrong - I agree the cap is too low etc) is that there are squads of 30 players. That's just far too many IMO. I know ten of them are for younger players and you can't just draft in players from your academy at whatever time you feel like like you can everywhere else in the world, but even then, very few places have squads so large. In Europe, for example, most teams will use roughly 25 players in a season, perhaps even fewer, and these are teams which may play in excess of 60 games per season. For a country where the fewest games you can play is 34 and the absolute maximum is 45 (if you won the Open Cup and played every round of the Play-offs) you really don't need that many players in your squad.

That in itself would reduce some of the budgeting issues.
Pretty sure its because there weren't reserve teams before.

They'll cut it down now I bet.
Pretty sure its because there weren't reserve teams before.

They'll cut it down now I bet.
There has been reserve teams for while now, but nothing like the USL Pro. Before it was benchwarmers, depth guys and academy one-day call-ups. USL Pro will allow each MLS to grow their roster a lot, IF they completely control their affiliate. For example, NYCFC will probably send 4+ guys to Wilmington. NYRB will have access to all 18-20 players on NYRB2.
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But we've always been at war with Eastasia... or, erm, had big squads, or something...
And the reserves have always been shaky to non-existent....remember reserve sqauds weren't even required until very recently so larger squads was a way around the issue but now with the USL partnership and the USL being so healthy and developing, the squad size will likely be shrunk down.