New Jersey - Postmatch

Interesting. I wonder if the board has been to every current premier league venue. I'll start us off:

Stamford Bridge
Goodison Park
Selhurst Park

Also Villa Park, but that doesn't count anymore.

LionNYC feel free to move...

I am an Everton fan and I haven't been yet. My plan is to find a weekend when they are playing on a different day than Celtic and hit both in a weekend. The one other park I really want to get to is Selhurst Park. Now that the Boleyn Ground is no longer in use, Selhurst is supposed to be the best small/great atmosphere Stadium in London.
lol sorry i meant the quote, like he cant believe they play in a baseball stadium :rolleyes:

or he cant believe they play in a baseball stadium :eek:...neat :)
Well he said the word "Actually" which to me usually implies disbelief in a bad way. You know, like "Wow, that musician was actually good!" = "I totally thought this would be bad" or a closer situation like "Do you actually like carrots?" = "I can't believe you would like carrots"
Mark, I am usually the first guy to push back on accusations of bias, but I think the tweet below - which is hardly an outlier - is much stronger than the MLS staff doing routine retweets of our players after a game.

It was completely justified at the time. This forum has roughly 7,041 posts written the week of the US Open loss complaining that our coach lets the Red Bulls own us. But when Doyle says it he is biased. Even though he doesn't like watching the Red Bulls.

You occasionally engage in MLS comments. So you know the following is all true:
  • Canadian fans are certain that their teams don't get enough respect or attention, but
  • every other fan was upset when MLS writers said 2017 Toronto was the best MLS team ever, and
  • when the 2018 Power Rankings kept Toronto ranked high even as they dropped point after point, and
  • many complain that the Northwest-centric Cascadia rivalry (which includes another Canadian team) gets too much attention, but
  • west coast fans are sure that eastern teams get all the love, but
  • many are just as certain that the league goes out of its way to help the very west coast LA Galaxy, except
  • that now the league goes out of its way to promote shiny new LAFC, and together the LA-team love feeds the resentment of
  • small market club fans like SKC and RSL who are sure that big market clubs get all the perks and praise, except when the real issue is
  • new teams like Atlanta have everything handed to them, yet
  • Atlanta fans -- I kid you not -- are convinced they don't get a fair shake from the refs even as they are about to set the league record for PKs taken
Every NFL fan outside of New England is certain that the Pats get all the calls because of something that happened in 2001. The narrative was set and now everyone sees what they want to see. Meanwhile, Pats fans are equally convinced the league broke all norms with Deflate-gate because the Pats are outcasts.

This is universal. It's irrational. It's confirmation bias. But I'm supposed to believe that NYCFC fan complaints are different because Doyle wrote a mean tweet after NYC lost consecutive games to RB 4-0. You want me to believe that, show me a study with an objective analysis of MLS-produced content. Show me Doyle never wrote anything like that about other teams, or at least does it more to NYC than other teams based on some sort of proportionality ratio. Nobody even pretends to have that.
  • Canadian fans are certain that their teams don't get enough respect or attention, but
  • every other fan was upset when MLS writers said 2017 Toronto was the best MLS team ever, and
  • when the 2018 Power Rankings kept Toronto ranked high even as they dropped point after point, and
  • many complain that the Northwest-centric Cascadia rivalry (which includes another Canadian team) gets too much attention, but
  • west coast fans are sure that eastern teams get all the love, but
  • many are just as certain that the league goes out of its way to help the very west coast LA Galaxy, except
  • that now the league goes out of its way to promote shiny new LAFC, and together the LA-team love feeds the resentment of
  • small market club fans like SKC and RSL who are sure that big market clubs get all the perks and praise, except when the real issue is
  • new teams like Atlanta have everything handed to them, yet
  • Atlanta fans -- I kid you not -- are convinced they don't get a fair shake from the refs even as they are about to set the league record for PKs taken
Liked just for this ridiculous yet somehow sensibly constructed monster run-on sentence. Excellent work!
Incidentally, Bullets with Semicolons is the working title of my new Western legal drama about a lone vigilante riding out to save his town from the wanted troll Matthew Doyle.

I just want to point out that my post had bullets, but no semicolons, because I was trying to keep it informal and such. It's the little attention to details like that what makes all the difference when you're being folksy.
I just want to point out that my post had bullets, but no semicolons, because I was trying to keep it informal and such. It's the little attention to details like that what makes all the difference when you're being folksy.
Tune in next week when the new episode of Folksy with Semicolons welcomes extra special guests mgarbowski and Domè Torrent to the show! We'll be doing needlepoint! And I know how you all love those needlepoint episodes!